Things to take from the Harry Potter series

How do we take a book series that has been a bestseller for over a decade and dive into its rights and wrongs, the dos and don’ts? Well, we don’t. It is not about an in-depth analysis of the history or the literary value of JK Rowling’s most successful work, but about what lessons we can absorb in our own characters or focus on them in case we feel that we have already absorbed them, through simple and relevant examples from the books.


The most important and rightly so lesson of the book is that the power of love diminishes any curse, any negative outburst, anything that tries to dominate you. Albus Dumbledore’s constant reminders to Harry that the fact that he can love is proof that he has powers greater than Lord Voldemort say so. As we see throughout the story, the fact that Harry was protected by his mother’s love made the Death Eaters unable to touch him, and as we move towards the end we see how powerful love and sacrifice become, as be Snape’s immortal. love for Lily, or Harry’s great sacrifice for the entire wizard class. The point here is simple, in our everyday existence, we come across many crossroads where we must choose. Choose between being angry at someone/something and forgiving, between finding fault with someone and appreciating their small tasks, between selectively liking someone and loving them unconditionally. All choices lead to the same path, to find your capacity to love and to see how your happiness multiplies in due time.

all friends matter

With Ron and Hermione by his side, Harry always felt like he could move mountains, just like most of us, we feel elated, strong and indefatigable when surrounded by our friends. It doesn’t matter if you have two friends or twenty. What matters is whether you respect all friends equally. Harry considered Ron his best friend, despite the fact that Ron abandoned him on at least two major occasions, once during the Triwizard tournament in Book Four and once (the more serious one) when they were hunting horcruxes in Book Seven. Both times, Hermione stayed true to Harry like a rock and truly trustworthy. So why is Ron still Harry’s best friend? Well, diversity in characters from different friends brings out the best in your own character. When Ron wasn’t abandoning Harry, his easygoing personality made him much more fun to be with than Hermione, and Harry appreciated those moments, they brought out the lighter nature of his character. Hermione, on the other hand, always ready to help, a moving library of her own, she brought out Harry’s more serious nature, the part of his character that dwarfed everyone else due to her instincts and nerves. he. This shows that all kinds of friends are indispensable and we should treat them all with the same respect.


This kind of ties in with the first takeaway. Well, if you’re not kind, you can’t love. However, in the context of the story, we are talking more about the kind of kindness one needs to show towards those who are socially inferior. Dumbledore said: Sirius should have been nicer to Kreacher, and he was quite right. Had Kreacher not been treated kindly by Regulus, he would never have prevented the locket from going to waste, and Harry’s trio may never have been able to track down the missing horcrux. Similarly, in our lives, we come across various situations where we are again faced with choices on how we should behave with our helping hands, like our cooks, our drivers, our security guards, etc. Always treat them with sincere kindness, there will come a time when what has gone around will surely return.

There are a lot more takeaways from the book series, but I’ll save those for an actual book review later.

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