The Psychology of Persuasion: Why People Act the Way They Do

So how can you use the subconscious factors that come into play when people make decisions? These are some of the most common:

1. The rule of sympathy: It may seem obvious, but people often say “yes” to someone they know and like, rather than to a complete stranger. Familiarity, through continuous and repeated contact with someone, increases this, as long as the contact is positive rather than negative. Likeability includes physical appearance, which is why advertisers use beautiful models to sell products, rather than common-looking models. Within your own industry, think of people who have reached the top of their game, who are loved, respected, and known for their ability to persuade other people. What do they have that attracts other people? Being associated with these people can have a “halo” effect on those around them.

2. The reciprocity rule: One of the most powerful social “rules” is the rule of reciprocity, whereby people feel compelled to pay a good deed to someone who has done a good deed for them. There was once an experiment in which sociologists sent Christmas cards to complete strangers to test how strongly they would feel compelled to reciprocate and more than 95% of them returned the cards, even though the sender was a complete stranger to them. . According to sociologists and anthropologists, this rule makes possible the development of continuous relationships and the exchange of knowledge and resources that is beneficial to society in general.

3. The rule of social validationGiven some other clues, or a limited time to make a judgment, most people will react towards others by copying the behavior of the people around them. If other people are nice to you, this will encourage the same behavior from others. An older and less attractive man can make up for his “flaws” by acquiring a “trophy wife” that will increase the perceived value of the man when others see him with an attractive, younger woman.

Another example is when a long-term unemployed person may be viewed negatively by potential employers, even if they are highly skilled and experienced, as people will automatically attribute their lack of employment to some inherent flaw or weakness of character rather than to a situation. external. At the same time, someone who seems to be in high demand – a CEO of a major company, for example – can effortlessly attract better job offers and larger pay packages, even if their performance is rather mediocre. “Success attracts success,” the saying goes, and when people Appear successful, other people unconsciously look for other positive factors to explain that person’s success and overlook their failures.

4. The rule of authority: People are more likely to believe, follow the recommendations or instructions of someone who they believe is an expert in some way, even if their expertise is in a completely different area than that requiring a decision. Having a doctor in front of your name or a Ph.D. afterward will also increase your perceived authority, even if it is not relevant. Another way to demonstrate authority is through external symbols of authority, even if they are not supported by anything; Status symbols in the form of titles, clothing, cars, houses (even zip codes) are part of this.

5. The “Reject-Then-Withdraw” rule: This rule is largely based on social pressure that pushes people to reciprocate favors. By requesting an extreme request that you know will be rejected, you can follow up with a lesser request, the one you wanted all along, that will have a better chance of being accepted.

6. The rule of public engagementWhen someone makes a commitment in a way that actively, voluntarily and publicly engages them, the likelihood that the person will follow through on that commitment increases. This is largely what weddings are about. Why are they so elaborate and public? Why are vows exchanged in front of family, friends and witnesses? Why does society require a marriage certificate or contract signed by both parties in a public place?

The public and ritualized way in which people marry increases the likelihood that promises will be kept, because internal and external pressures will require the married couple to deliver on what they promised in public.

Similarly, during other types of negotiations, it is important that small commitments are agreed upon and written down, even if they are small steps on the way to the much larger commitment you aspire to.

7. The scarcity rule: This can be summed up as “Scarcity breeds desire.” (see also under “Social Validation Rule”). People tend to place more value on things when they are perceived to be less available. The use of this principle for profit can be seen in the “limited supply” and “ends today” tactics. On a personal level, by having a unique or uncommon skill or experience (a “USP”) that makes you rare, you can create a demand for your product or services that would not otherwise exist. Never put your mobile phone number on your business card; this makes it a bit more difficult to contact you and also suggests that you have so many contacts that you should restrict your availability to all of them.

8. The rule of reverse psychology: People use reverse psychology to “trick” people into choosing the opposite of what they really want, playing on the knee-jerk human reaction against being told what to do. An example of this in real life was used in the promotion of the classic Queen song “Bohemian Rhapsody”, which is 5 minutes and 55 seconds long when played in its entirety. At the time of its release in 1975, most record companies felt it was too long to play it on the radio, but Freddie Mercury gave a personal copy to his good friend, DJ Kenny Everett with specific instructions NOT to play it, knowing Well, Everett couldn’t resist, which turned out to be the case. If you’ve ever suffered from insomnia, you know that deliberately concentrating on trying to fall asleep will have the opposite effect and make the problem worse.

9. The simple theme rule: A topic is a verbal image that communicates ideas far beyond the basic meaning of words. If you are invited to a party with a theme, say, a murder mystery or an Italian, you will already know in general, without being told, what to wear, what you will do at the party, the type of music, the type of food and so on. The topic has already provided you with a “word picture” that conveys a lot of information. Having a “micro brand” that moves with you will instantly transmit “Brand you.”

10. The “how do you say it” rule

It’s easy to assume a sentence like “I can’t promise you that result.” it has only one meaning, but in reality, emphasis and tone provide much of the actual meaning. To test this, look at each of the sentences below, each with a different word emphasized and followed by the implied meaning.

1. I I can’t promise you that result. (But maybe Someone else may.)

2. I hypocrisy I promise that result. (There are no way That’s possible.)

3. I can’t promised you that result. (But you May get it anyway.)

4. I can’t promise you that result. (But I can promise Someone else.)

5. I can’t promise you that Outcome. (But I can promise you other good result.)

6. I can’t promise you that Outcome. (But I can promise you something.)

The meaning of what we say is determined by the words we emphasize and the words to minimize and if you can’t promise that price to someone, you can say “I can’t promise you that RESULT”, and the listener can still feel good about the situation, especially if you immediately follow up with something else you can promise.

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