Catch your cheating husband using clothes and hair

Your husband’s clothes can be a fantastic source of information that will tell you a story about his cheating ways. Do not underestimate the power of your sense of smell to help you find evidence of her infidelity.

Before you start, you need to get acquainted with the smell of your husband and his clothes. This means sniffing random pieces of clothing both before and after she’s worn them. You also need to learn the smell of his cologne and deodorant. If you can recognize all these smells in an instant, it will be much easier for you to spot those strange smells that will become your evidence.

The most common type of strange odor you will find on your husband’s clothes will be perfume or soap and detergent. However, she will also want to take note of other odors such as cigarette smoke, pets, and food. These scents can be found on her husband’s clothes for a very innocent situation, but if she can smell them on her underwear, then she knows that she has been somewhere she shouldn’t. And yes, this means that you will have to smell your husband’s dirty underwear!

If you find hair on your husband’s clothing that definitely doesn’t belong to him, then you’ve hit the nail on the head. She will find hair almost everywhere her husband has been, this means that she must look everywhere her husband goes. The best places to look for hair are; the soles of her husband’s socks, the headrests of her car, her hairbrushes, her bedding, and the dryer. The great thing about hair is that you don’t have to be a forensic scientist to tell the difference between yours and someone else’s. All you really need is a magnifying glass and a bit of patience, you have to look at the color and length of the hair, as well as the texture and ends.

If possible, you should try to save each and every hair in a separate container or envelope. This way, you can use them as evidence when you finally decide to confront her cheating spouse.

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