8 protections that would make us sane again!

When Donald Trump ran his surprisingly successful campaign in 2015 and 2016, and was later elected President of the United States, he emphasized his slogan, Make America Great Again. This catchphrase potentially has a variety of meanings, depending on who is looking at it. Unfortunately, it appears that the President focused on dividing us, rather than trying to create a meeting of minds, for the greater good, and often made statements, many perceived as divisive, polarizing, prejudiced (against minorities, women, LGBT, etc.)! As this is being written, the presidential election is taking place tomorrow, and as we draw closer, those of us who have witnessed many other elections are concerned about the tone, division, lying/distortion and apparent appeals, those, I consider, the haters. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 8 protections that would make us sane again!

1. Equal Justice: Although our constitutional guarantees require equal rights and protections, we have recently witnessed too many examples where this was not the case! Experts say there are many examples of systemic racism in this nation. Due to a few horrific incidents recently between the police and the public, there is a picture in which many feel that one’s fairness and quality of justice is often related to the color of one’s skin, ethnic and socioeconomic condition! Both in its initial stage, with the police, as well as in the whole Judicial aspect, this is unfortunately often the case!

two. Economic opportunities: In 2017, Congress enacted a major piece of tax reform legislation that largely passed – along party lines! Although President Trump often proclaimed that the law would mainly benefit the middle class, economists and experts, after a couple of years, we are informed, the main beneficiaries of this supposed reform were the wealthiest people. and corporations! In fact, the income gap, between our richest and others, is the largest in recent memory.

3. Religious freedom: Our Constitution required both religious freedom and the separation of church and state. This means that there should not be a litmus test, religious, of our politicians, but, rather, everyone should have the right to enjoy their religion, and/or be atheists, or agnostics, if that is their preference. This nation is not supposed to be a Christian state!

Four. Healthy Weapon Checks/Protects: Instead of making gun safety political, and wrapping himself in the 2nd Amendment, the safety and welfare of the public, he points to the need for safe and sound gun controls and protections that protect the right to own a gun. , while demanding, this is done, for sure! This is especially troubling, because this Amendment originally provided the Right to Bear Arms, but, for the stated reason, to allow states to organize a militia, to protect against foreign invasion. Our nation and our times have changed, but it seems that we have not adapted effectively!

5. Voting guarantees/protections: Unfortunately, we have often witnessed many cases of vote suppression attempts, but these have become more widespread and widespread recently! A healthier nation would emphasize the right to vote and have these rights protected and guaranteed!

6. Women rights: It took until the early part of the 20th century for women to gain the right to vote, and much later in that century to protect them in other ways! To date, women still do not receive the same wages as men, for equal/comparable jobs, etc. Recently, we are also seeing another apparent attempt to reverse the relevant Women’s Right to Choose!

7. Minority Rights: Although we proudly point out our so-called equal rights for all, if you think minorities receive these rights equally, you’re probably not paying attention!

8. Public Health Leadership: When the president refuses to align his message with public health experts and the United States, with less than 5% of the world’s population, has experienced more than 20% of cases and deaths, we obviously have to do better! When the same individual downplays the need to protect our environment and denies the dangers of Climate Change, they jeopardize the health, safety and future of our citizens and future generations!

It’s way, vanquished, Make America sane again! Wake up, America, before it’s too late!

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