Why social networks are so valuable for your website

For the past two centuries, media publishers have controlled the flow of information to and from people. Media giants like News Corporation and Liberty Media control large media distribution networks around the world that distribute news and informational content. While the effectiveness of these media giants will only grow if they use the Internet effectively, social media has opened the door for anyone to distribute their content, ideas, and information on a global scale.

This is one of the reasons why social media and social media marketing is so important to many people and businesses. The social web is also great for people and their freedom of expression and information. Social networking sites like Digg, Twitter, and Google+ give you the ability to quickly share or syndicate content from your blog or website and broadcast it to the rest of the world. Unlike traditional media, social web users choose which articles are the most interesting by submitting their comments and effectively voting for the content. The more users vote for a piece, the more traffic that item will get under typical circumstances.

The nice thing about this system is that the best content usually goes to the top of the stack. The web is so big that it’s very difficult for social media marketers to manipulate the number of votes they need to get their sites to the top of social media syndication before they get caught and banned. Of course, unsurprisingly when the stakes are high, many people try to game the system on sites like Digg. It’s also fair game with a front page listing on Digg that attracts anywhere up to 200,000 unique visitors per day. Sites like Slashdot have had a similar effect, becoming the overnight spotlight for some websites and e-businesses.

Although very few good social media marketing products have been created to help businesses that want to promote their websites and content, there have been some good free tools like Social Bookmarker and AddUrl. Most webmasters and internet marketers have had to use unwanted software or waste time submitting their content to all the relevant sites. In 2008, a product called Android Traffic was released that automates the time-consuming process of signing up and submitting to social websites. It was meant to be the first of many such useful tools to hit the market; however, other such tools have been few and far between and the good ones are incredibly expensive.

The ability for webmasters to rapidly distribute their content and information is an extremely powerful benefit of web 2.0 and the integration of social media with social networks is another step in making powerful web content syndication a reality. There are tools that integrate Twitter feeds with Facebook news feeds, which is extremely powerful and perhaps the smartest tool ever invented. This means that not only can you almost instantly distribute your content across social website networks, but you can also post a link and short snippet about your content on Twitter and distribute it via your network of friends on Facebook or vice versa. .

While social media marketing is still a very new phenomenon, I hope this illustrates the impact it can have on your website. As the medium evolves and the best search and syndication technologies and rich media grow, its power can only increase. My advice is that it is better to get involved sooner rather than later to get through the social media marketing learning curve before hundreds of thousands of other webmasters get involved and the big media companies come in and start trying to buy all the major social websites.

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