Why can’t I make the law of attraction work for me?

I get asked more about this topic than any other and it’s one of the hardest to explain so that people really know and understand how to apply it to their lives.

Many of my readers around the world ask me why they can’t seem to make the Law of Attraction work for them.

They read, study and practice what many teachers tell them to do and still cannot manifest their desires in life.

The answer is simple and I’m going to be frank about it.

You cannot control the Law of Attraction unless you can control your mind! Period!

Your Ego will probably not like this statement and will tell you that it is not true. Your Ego will allow you to read this Whisper, but it will try to have it discarded from your mind and archived, and it will transfer you to other thoughts.

As always, it’s your choice to read this, then learn about it, and then apply it to your life.

Many so-called ‘gurus’ sell the Law of Attraction as a sexy new way to get what you want in life. And they make tons of money from their courses and programs.

There is no doubt that the Law of Attraction is real, it always works flawlessly and is there for you when you need it.

But you have to have a high enough level of mind control for it to work.

Albert Einstein said, “You can’t solve any problem with the same mindset that created it!”

That’s so true!

Once you learn HOW to think in the right way and start to control your mind for periods of time, you will gain access to the unlimited potential of everything you want in life through a change in the way you think.

In our world today, our attention span is virtually non-existent and seems to shorten all the time in the high-tech society we live in.

This seemingly magical source called the Law of Attraction is a proven fact from quantum science studies and is available to us as a Natural Law similar to the Law of Gravity.

You know for sure that if you stumble and fall, the Law of Gravity will cause you to hit the ground.

The Law of Attraction is just as powerful and real as the Law of Gravity.

It basically states that what you focus most of your thoughts on, what you focus most of your feelings on, and how you tend to act is exactly what kind of circumstances, conditions, events, people, and lifestyle you will attract and live. on a daily, weekly, yearly basis.

Once again, the Law of Attraction never fails, it affects every person on the planet and is a proven scientific fact.

We may not understand all of the scientific principles, but that doesn’t change the fact that it works. And therefore, it has rules.

Rule number one… you must control your mind and your thoughts. There’s no point in learning Rule Two if you can’t get past Rule One.

Your ego didn’t like that, did it?

The fact is that your thoughts, feelings, and actions have defined exactly the kind of life you are living as you read these words.

Where you are now is a direct result of all your past thoughts, feelings, and actions you have taken up to this point.

You need to believe and accept this truth and you need to KNOW that it is your reality! Think about this for a moment. See where you are right now in life.

You are right where you put yourself using the Law of Attraction without even knowing it.

Only when you accept the reality of this truth can you start using the Law of Attraction on purpose, not by accident like most people have done for most of their lives.

But you simply cannot use this Law if you are not the controller of your thoughts and feelings.

At first, you may only be able to control your thoughts for 15 short

seconds. It doesn’t matter.

Beginning to be able to observe yourself controlling your thoughts is the first step in learning how to make the Law of Attraction work.

When you learn to control your thoughts for 15 seconds, it will quickly become 30 seconds. Then a minute. Then 5 minutes. Then more time.

By the time you get to 30 seconds or a minute, you can FEEL the difference in control you’ll have. It is in these short bursts of control that you have the power to use the Law of Attraction on purpose.

All my Whispers should help you learn the truths of self-discovery and living mindfully, which in turn will allow you to start using the Law of Attraction in the right way that will bring you what you want in life.

Outside of these present moments of awareness (control), the Law of Attraction is not available to you ON PURPOSE.

You are unconsciously using it, as you always have, to keep you thinking the same thoughts and feelings you have always had and to keep you where you are in life up to this point by attracting the same things you have always attracted.

Can you imagine all the great things you can start to bring into your life during these periods of controlling your mind and using the Law of Attraction on purpose?

This is when the Law of Attraction really starts to work for you and allows you to start designing and creating what kind of life you want to live.

And when you practice being in control in your present moment, the length of time you can hold this control grows rapidly because you can see and feel the difference in your awareness and awareness.

Your brain functions at its highest level when you are in control and give your subconscious specific instructions through your thoughts and feelings.

It is at this moment that your subconscious mind decides that this is what you really want in life when you use the Law of Attraction on purpose and will move heaven and earth to bring your desires into your reality.

This is when you have the Law of Attraction working for you at high speed… when you control your thoughts and feelings.

Your subconscious mind always accepts the conclusions of your conscious mind and is only there for you when you are in your present moment. In your NOW. Now is when you can use the Law of Attraction.

When we fall into our normal awake but asleep state of mind, which is filled with chaos and mundane garbage, we lose control of our natural state of consciousness and the Law of Attraction is purposefully unavailable to us at this time.

It is still working and attracting more of our current lifestyle, but not what we want to attract. It is attracting more than what we have always achieved.

Using the Law of Attraction/Creation is not a secret. It’s not complicated.

It is just a natural Law of life that we can learn to use by controlling our thoughts and feelings (if only for a short time) to start designing and creating our future.

The goal of using the Law of Attraction is not to want, but to begin to truly know what you want.

It is designing and creating the life you want in your controlled mind and then acting and feeling as if it is already yours from that moment on and is real.

Then trust that it will come to you and let it go and allow it to come when, where and how God, the Higher Power or the Universe decides.

The when, where and how is not your decision and not for you to worry about!

Your only job is to absolutely know that you already have it because you designed and created it in your mind, and that it is coming, and to look for the opportunities that will surely come your way to manifest it in your physical world.

Most of us focus only on what happens outside of our lives. Start concentrating on what’s going on inside your life as well.

Remember, what you want is already formed in your life the moment you design it and create it in your imagination with controlled thoughts and feelings and using the 5 senses to see it already happening in your life and KNOWING that it is yours!

For example, if you want a new house, take a few minutes in a quiet place and imagine in your mind every detail of this house that you want. Look how pretty it is from the street. Walk towards it in your imagination and see the beautiful garden and smell the freshly cut grass. See yourself opening the front door and walking in and seeing all the beautiful furniture, walls and floors. Step into the kitchen and see the new stainless steel appliances, marble countertops, and hardwood floors. Open the cabinets and see all the beautiful dishes and cutlery. Go to the master bedroom and see the huge wooden four poster bed with plush bedspreads and the skylight above the bed. Go into your closet and see the hundreds of perfectly aligned outfits and shoes. See yourself stepping out onto the deck in the back and take in the huge gas grill and outdoor bar and how it makes you feel. Look into the pool and see how clear the water is. See how great it feels to live in and own this wonderful home. See your children enjoying this fantastic house and how much they love it. Look at yourself entertaining family and friends over the holidays and how proud you are of this wonderful home.

(This is a brief description of how to design what you want in life using the Law of Attraction and I advise you to go into more detail, such as going through each room and imagining it in your mind with those intense thoughts and feelings.)

My point is that the more detail you imagine in your mind with PURPOSELY controlled feelings and emotions, the more powerful your message will be to your subconscious mind of what you want.

You can design and create whatever you want in your mind using your imagination and when you add great detail with imaginative thoughts and feelings and mental images ON PURPOSE WITH A MIND CONTROLLED you send a powerful message to your subconscious mind that this is what you really want.

Once you have designed and created this wish in your mind in detail, it comes to life because you used controlled thoughts and feelings to send the message to your subconscious that this is now REAL for you.

You can KNOW it is REAL because you have seen it in your mind in great detail with a high level of thought and feeling. At that moment IT IS REAL! It may not be here in your physical reality yet, but it surely is something real in your mind and emotions the moment you create it.

Keep this detailed wish in your mind and re-create it as many times as you can in the coming days, weeks and months with the same thoughts, feelings, emotions and details.

You can use this technique to design and create whatever you want in life, whether it is finding the love of your life, getting a new job or business, new cars, more money, better health, saving animals, helping other people, or anything. you want. the mind can imagine and focus on what you are passionate about

No one on earth can stop you from knowing that what you choose to want in life will come your way!

Your job is simply to choose the state of mind that you are now going to ALLOW your subconscious mind to bring everything you know to be yours into your life physically.

Tell your subconscious mind that it now allows you to bring whatever you want into your physical life when you are ready to bring it. Your job is not HOW or WHEN it will come. Your job is to start seeing it coming.

Imagine what you can do with this GIFT.

The Law of Attraction is the most wonderful hidden gift that we have been given in life. Very few on the planet know about it and know how to use it correctly.

Once you learn to use the Law of Attraction correctly, you will only be limited by what you dare to design and create in your future.

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