Which RC car is best for you?

There are many RC car and truck manufacturers like Traxxas, HPI, Kyosho, and Nikko to name a few. Sometimes choosing the right car or truck can be very frustrating. That is why we are here to help you with this decision.

So how do you choose the right one for you?

There is no one correct answer for the best RC car or truck. If there were, everyone would own it, wouldn’t they? The decision is based primarily on your preference based on looks, speed, and the price you want to pay. Start by choosing the car or truck that you like, then compare them to each other.

Which RC car is best for you?

After comparing some remote control models, know if you want an electric or nitro remote control. Electric cars run for 10 to 20 minutes before being recharged. Nitro vehicles run longer as they run on nitro and have a decent sized fuel tank. Decide which one best suits your needs.

• Speed: decide how fast you want your remote to work. Either 35 + MPH or 70 + MPH. Or maybe you want something slower to crawl on the rocks. HPI CRAWLER KING JEEP WRANGLER RUBICON RTR

It is a recommended rc truck to consider. Deciding if you want to have more power or torque is also something to consider. It depends on the speed you want to achieve.

• Handling and Wheelbase – The longer or wider the wheelbase, the more stable your car or truck will have. Make sure your remote takes care of the task at hand. A stiffer suspension is better for jumping RC cars and trucks. Also, putting heavier shock oil in the shocks will stiffen the suspension and make it run smoother.

• Terrain: Choose an RC car or truck based on the terrain you want to drive them on. Buy a rock climber. Or maybe you like drifting, then you would want a drift car to run on concrete. Choose a remote control truck to climb terrain as they will have more free space to conquer more terrain. RC cars have lower clearance as this can limit where you can go with it or how much you can climb. Although there are many RC cars and trucks that fit into this category.

• Most nitro vehicles have a pull start and can be very annoying at times. Some manufacturers have an EZ-Start that starts your nitro vehicle with the push of a button. There are also updates for the suspension. engines and customize your own RC car or truck to your standards. Having made a difficult decision on which RC car to buy. I am sure you will enjoy and be very excited about your vehicle. Thanks for reading my article and I enjoyed reading it.

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