What to wear on a motorcycle?

We know that big emotions are associated with big risks. And this also applies to riding a motorcycle. Wearing the right gear can help you prevent serious injury. Therefore, you may want to invest in quality protective gear and wear it before you get on your motorcycle. Below is a description of important equipment that you should purchase and use. keep reading

Pants and Jackets

Wearing pants and a thick jacket will protect your skin in the event of an accident. Ideally, the fabric should be durable, like leather. If possible, wear a jacket designed for motorcycle riders.

Apart from this, you can also wear a bulletproof vest under the jacket. Make sure the armor can meet safety standards.

Avoid: a dress or skirt

Even if you like to wear a flowy skirt and a leather jacket, it can be quite dangerous. Remember: pants are your safest option when you ride a motorcycle.

wear a helmet

You can find different types of helmets these days. If you are a new rider, we suggest you invest in a helmet based on your consultation with your local expert. This will help you choose the right size and style based on your head shape and need.

If this is your first ride, we suggest renting a helmet from a local gear store. For protection, make sure the thing can fit snugly. You can try different types of helmets in the store. Make sure you choose the correct one.

Avoid: Dark Clothes

It is not a good idea to wear dark clothes, especially if you need to ride a motorcycle at night. Ideally, the jacket you are going to wear has reflective stripes. Likewise, your helmet should have reflective patches or stripes. This will help you be easily seen by other bicyclists or drivers at night.

Motorcycle boots

Most motorcyclists want to wear modern and stylish boots when riding. However, style and cool shouldn’t be the only features of your boots you should focus on. Aside from this, your boots should also be solid and sturdy.

If they are strong, they will not bend in the event of a crash and will keep your feet stable. Also, your boots should have non-slip soles. Ideally, your boot should extend to your ankles.


Gloves are your best option when it comes to safety. They can protect your hands from many weather elements such as wind, sun and cold. Plus, they can help you develop a stronger grip on your bike’s handlebars.

Ideally, you may want to opt for gloves that can cover your hands and leave no part of your skin exposed. Needless to say, gloves need to be thick and strong enough to provide protection and stand the test of time.

So this was a brief overview of what you should wear while riding a motorcycle. I hope this helps.

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