What Causes Nail Fungus and How to Treat it

Causes Nail Fungus and How to Treat

The most common treatment for nail fungus is a topical antifungal medicine. Using topical medicines is often recommended because they are less effective than oral medications. Combined with an oral medication, these medicines can be effective against fungi in the nail. Listed below are the main reasons why topical antifungals are the best treatments for nail fungus. The treatment of fungal infections is not the same for all people.

Prevention is the best way to prevent nail fungus from spreading to other areas of the body. Wearing well-fitting shoes or socks helps protect the toenails from constant pressure. It is also important to wash your shoes, bedding, towels, and socks frequently to prevent the infection from returning. Laser therapy can also be used to treat nail fungus. However, this treatment is not very effective and may not work for everyone.

Symptoms and treatment are based on the type of fungus that infects the nail. It isn’t caused by poor hygiene. It is spread from person to person, and can be easily transmitted through contact. The fungus thrives in warm, damp places, such as hands, feet, and clothing. Infected nails will become thick, discolored, and sometimes painful. Eventually, they will become infected with a spore that can grow and multiply.

Crystal flush nail fungus

To treat nail fungus, your doctor may prescribe an oral or topical antifungal medication. These can be taken by mouth or through a prescription. Using these drugs may cause skin rashes and require frequent blood tests. Taking an oral antifungal medication may not be an option for those with liver problems, congestive heart failure, or certain medications. A cream application can help cure the fungus while preventing a new nail from developing. Another treatment option is surgery. In this case, the infected nail can be removed, but the new nail may still be infected. A laser therapy is also being researched.

What Causes Nail Fungus and How to Treat it

Treatment for nail fungus starts with prevention. Prevention is the key to preventing the infection from becoming worse. The treatment for the condition should focus on prevention. Proper hygiene will help in reducing the risk of fungal infections, and the symptoms of the condition will disappear. Among the most common treatments, topical treatments will improve the appearance of the nail. For more serious cases, your primary care physician may prescribe oral antifungal pills.

While topical antifungals can cure mild nail fungus, they can’t completely cure it. Oral antifungal medications such as itraconazole can cure the infection, but they are only effective for serious infections. While they will improve the appearance of the nail, oral drugs are not effective for treating fungal infections. If you choose to undergo surgery, your doctor may also prescribe an oral medication.

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