What are the differences between a temporary greenhouse and a permanent one?

A temporary greenhouse is usually one that is set up during the winter months to protect tender plants. You shouldn’t have to do any ground preparation with these models. They may have a steel frame or post frame, but the cover is usually some type of film. These can be set up and taken down in a reasonable amount of time. There are even some that will appear. They will not have snow loads or wind loads. In fact, manufacturers generally recommend removing covers in windy conditions. They will usually have a short warranty, one year is typical. The positive side is its cost. Most of these are under $1,000, many under $500.00, and some even under $100.00.

A permanent greenhouse is going to be very different. They will usually have a bolt-on frame. Although some of the temporary greenhouses will have this too. They are usually glazed with a more rigid material such as Solexx or double-walled polycarbonate. Some will be rated for snow load and wind load. Some may require a building permit to install. They will vary in price, but almost all of them will be over $1,000.00 and up. They will require a base or an optional base (from the manufacturer) that you can purchase. You will need to make sure to prepare your land before installing them. You will need a square, level foundation to begin building. These greenhouses will have various guarantees, from one year to 5 years or for life. Just be sure to check first if you’re concerned about this.

I am often asked if the greenhouse can be moved. Definitely, temps are pretty easy to transport. Some of the smaller permanent greenhouses can be placed on a trailer without being disassembled for transport. However, I would not suggest moving a greenhouse this way for a long distance. You can disassemble your permanent greenhouse to move it. This is a tedious procedure. Each piece should be marked so that when it is reassembled it will be back in the same place. However, I would not recommend doing this multiple times. You may start having problems with worn glazing tapes and screws. Some of these structures even have the panels attached with silicone. What a mess it would be trying to remove the caulk.

In closing, there are so many greenhouse kits available on the market today that finding one to fit your needs (permanent or temporary) shouldn’t be a problem.

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