Weight loss: the concept of bulking food

When you’re on a fat loss plan, one concept to keep in mind is bulking up your food. This refers to the amount of food you can eat at a given calorie level. Consider it “food density”, so to speak. How much food will you allow yourself without going over your calorie goal? This is a critical concept to consider because eating a low calorie intake is what is needed for fat loss to occur, and you need to control your hunger.

If you plan to eat, say, 1,200 calories per day, and you choose a gourmet fast-food burger, fries, and a large soda, chances are good that’s all you’re “allowed” to eat for the entire day. . Could you survive with that? Probably not, so it’s important to choose foods that have fewer calories in each serving. Then you can eat more food in general and you won’t feel as restricted.

So which foods are the best? And which foods are worse?

For the most volume with the fewest calories, think water. You want foods that contain as much water as possible, as they tend to fill you up faster…

  • celery,
  • cucumber,
  • Peppers,
  • watermelon,
  • Cantaloupe,
  • berries,
  • apple,
  • orange,
  • code, and
  • shrimp

They are all excellent options.

Alternatively, popcorn and oatmeal are two great complex carbs to eat because they also offer a lot of volume per serving at a given calorie level.

Chicken is also a good option, and egg whites are even better. You’ll find just 120 calories in a cup of egg whites, and if you’ve ever cooked a cup of egg whites, that’s a lot of food.

The worst foods. What are the worst foods to eat? Any form of dietary fat is going to be bad news. Fat, by nature, is calorie dense because it contains nine calories per gram and most fats do not have much water content. The only exception to this may be avocado, which also provides dietary fiber. Since you need to get some fat in your diet plan, if your goal is to maximize your portion size, avocados are a good choice.

Other foods to avoid include…

  • pasta,
  • dried fruit,
  • walnuts,
  • red meat, and
  • Salmon.

Now keep in mind that this does not mean that these foods are unhealthy. Salmon is an incredibly healthy food, but from a calories per volume feed standpoint, it’s just not the best. Save those foods for a time when you’re not looking to lose weight.

If you follow these principles and focus on foods that maximize your portion size and minimize your calorie intake, you should find weight loss much more natural.

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