Using a spiralizer to make vegan Alfredo pasta

Did you know that you could use a spiralizer to make a healthy version of traditional Alfredo pasta? Are you a vegan or health conscious person who used to love a good creamy Alfredo pasta sauce, but had to give it up? Many vegans love cream cheese pasta sauces, like traditional Alfredo sauce, and in this article I’ll show you how to use a spiralizer and make vegan Alfredo sauce.

To make a healthier version of Alfredo pasta, you’ll need a blender and a tool called a spiralizer and a dose of creativity. The spiralizer that you can find online or in some specialty kitchen stores is sometimes called a spiral cutter. Use the spiralizer according to your instructions with some medium-sized peeled zucchini on the thin or thick setting. If you don’t have a specialized tool, you can use a simple vegetable peeler and peel the zucchini to make noodles.

You can eat the zucchini noodles raw or steamed or sauté them with a little olive oil. If zucchini pasta isn’t your thing, you can use seaweed noodles, buckwheat, or quinoa noodles as a healthy substitute for gluten-filled white pasta. Now the sauce. To make the Vegan Alfredo you will need some white nuts like raw macadamia nuts or pine nuts. In a pinch, blanched and peeled cashews or almonds will do.

Vegan Alfredo Sauce

1 cup macadamia nuts or pine nuts

1 cup coconut water (or 1 cup water + a pinch of stevia or other sweetener)

3 tablespoons raw tahini butter

2 teaspoons white miso or chickpea

juice of 1 lemon

1 tablespoon nutritional yeast

1 clove garlic

pinch nutmeg

salt and pepper to taste

Blend all the ingredients in a high speed blender. You can pour the sauce directly over the zucchini noodles or heat it up a bit in a pot. No need to cook.

Hope you enjoyed this recipe! For more healthy vegan recipes and resources, check out the links below:

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