Types of hiking boots and hiking shoes

There are many types of walking boots and shoes, and the choice can be insane. While there are some types of hiking shoes that won’t fit neatly into any one category, I’ll break down hiking shoes in terms of four categories, based on the general type of hiking they work best for.

1.Hiking shoes and sandals. For short walks in the fresh air, for laps in the camp and for easy interludes in a serious hike.

2. Mountain boots. For moderate hikes, such as day hikes or short hikes on rough terrain.

3. Backpacking boots. For multi-day backpacking trips.

4. Mountain boots. For the serious hiker, mountaineerer and ice climber.

As you move up the category ladder, you also move up in price. That means you have to think more seriously and make more careful purchases the further up the scale you look. But before you start shopping in earnest, find out what types of hiking boots are available to make sure you’re looking for the right type.

Don’t be scared off by the prices, and don’t make the mistake of assuming you don’t need special hiking boots. You probably don’t need $200 hiking boots, but that also doesn’t mean you should attempt a twelve-mile hike in your tennis shoes. In this article, you’ll learn how to decide what general type of hiking boots are right for what you want to do. Then you’ll be ready to dive into exactly what you need.

Shoes and Sandals for Hiking

Hiking shoes can be versatile footwear. If you’re new to hiking and plan only short hikes on well-maintained trails, you may already have suitable footwear. Ellipticals or any reasonably sturdy running shoe may be suitable for light walking.

Shoes designed expressly for trail running and light walking generally rise slightly higher than conventional sneakers, and usually have a “scree collar” (a padded collar around the ankle to keep out stones). They are generally not waterproof, although they can be somewhat “waterproof”, and the tread is not very aggressive.

Walking shoes are suitable for short hikes on reasonably dry and smooth trails where you won’t be carrying a lot of weight. If you’re going to be crossing streams, climbing steep inclines, walking on snow and ice, or carrying more than twenty pounds of gear, you should probably look into day hiking boots or backpacking boots.

Hiking sandals are a special class of hiking footwear. When you consider the four main purposes of walking shoes—warmth, protection, traction, and keeping you dry—sandals might seem like a joke. But think again.

Obviously, you’re not going hiking in the winter in hiking sandals, so keeping your feet warm is not a consideration that hiking sandals address. Sandals protect the soles of the feet from rough surfaces and sharp objects, but they cannot protect the sides of the feet from rocks and brush. They also provide good traction.

But what about keeping your feet dry? Do not laugh! No, sandals won’t keep water out while you’re crossing a stream, but they won’t keep water out either. in when you step outside of the creek Many hikers carry sandals in their backpacks and change them every time they cross a creek that they know will outgrow their hiking boots.

If all you’re going to do are short hikes on relatively clear and level trails in hot weather, sandals are worth at least a little consideration. More importantly, if you want to change a pair of walking shoes in the middle of a serious long hike, walking sandals may well be worth the space they take up in your backpack.

hiking boots

Day hike boots are specifically designed for hiking. If you plan to do moderate hiking, such as all-day hikes or short hikes on rugged trails, you’ll need to give your footwear some serious thought.

Day hiking boots usually rise to just above the ankle and always have a padded “scree collar”. They usually have a fairly stiff fiberglass shank to reinforce the sole and arch supports. The tongue is partially bonded, sometimes fully bonded, to provide waterproofing.

Hiking boots almost always have lace hooks on the top of the boot. Some have grommets all the way to the top, but they are hard to keep tight.

Beware of imitations! The fashion industry has caught up with the hiking boot style, and you’ll find plenty of shoes that look like hiking boots, but are more suited to hanging out at Starbucks than walking through the woods. Look closely, and you can tell the real hiking boots from the wannabes:

* necklace display

* Rigid stem

* Tongue attached or partially attached

* Genuinely aggressive tread pattern

None of these features show up when you just look cool, which is why imitation hiking boots don’t have them.

backpacking boots

Backpacking boots are designed for long-term use in fairly harsh conditions. If you plan to do a lot of hiking, especially multi-day backpacking trips or all-day hikes on rugged trails, you’ll need backpacking boots. And don’t be put off by the prices: a hundred dollar pair of boots that last five years is cheaper than buying a forty dollar pair every year. And more comfortable, too.

Backpacking boots typically rise well above the ankle. High-rise boots, such as military-style “combat boots,” may not have a padded “scree collar,” but low-rise boots will. They have a rigid shank, which can be fiberglass or steel, to provide rigidity and arch support. The tongue may be partially attached to tall boots or fully attached to lower boots. Backpacking boots always have a very aggressive tread design.

Many backpacking boots have lace eyelets all the way up. This makes the boots more difficult to get on and off. It also makes the laces more difficult to adjust than if they had hooks, but the eyelets are less likely to snag on brush or bend when you slam your leg against a rock. Worn on top of some hiking boots, D-rings are a good compromise. They are less prone to damage than hooks, but fit more easily than grommets.

There are sturdy boots that are not suitable for walking. Work boots can be very similar to hiking boots in all details except the sole. When choosing backpacking boots, make sure the sole is designed for the trail and not the workshop.

Mountaineering Boots

Mountaineering boots are specially designed for serious expeditions in harsh, primitive conditions. The term “mountaineering boots” generally also includes specialized footwear such as ice climbing boots.

I’ll be perfectly honest here (habit of mine): I have no personal experience with hiking boots, nor with the conditions that call for them. So I don’t have much to tell you about them other than that they exist and that, depending on your requirements, they may be what you need. When you are ready to take a good look at hiking boots, I can only advise you to seek the right advice.

Mountaineering boots are generally completely rigid, made of thick, heavy leather or molded plastic. They are quite heavy and difficult to walk under most normal conditions.

Don’t oversell. If you’re looking for backpacking boots, you don’t need special mountaineering boots. This is one case where buying more hiking boots than you need can be a bad thing. Mountaineering boots are what you want for climbing Mount Everest, but not for hiking in the typical National Park.


Now you know how to recognize the four main types of mountain boots. That will help you in your search. Pick the type of boot that’s right for the kind of hike you plan to do, then go for it!

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