Top Ten Benefits of Strategic Thinking and Planning for Businesses and Nonprofits

What are the real benefits of strategic thinking and business planning for a nonprofit organization? This is one of the most frequently asked questions I have come across in more than 30 years of working on strategic planning projects. In preparing to write this article, I reflected on those years of experience and considered what I believe to be the top ten benefits of strategic thinking and planning. These are not listed in a priority order.

+ Influence instead of being influenced. This means being proactive instead of reactive.

+ Clarify or redefine your role and target group. This has the advantage of bringing everyone together with a strategic focus.

+ Positively face the inevitable changes that will occur. This will help in the development of a secure and flexible company or organization that can adapt to change.

+ Address the critical issues you face. This is a significant benefit because it makes it easier to resolve issues in a timely manner that can slow the growth of your business if not resolved.

+ Find innovative ways to achieve goals. This helps create and foster an environment of creativity in your business and organization and will facilitate positive growth.

+ Reduce crisis management. This will reduce the amount of time spent

“put out fires” in the organization and extend the time available to work “in business” rather than just working “in business.”

+ Provide continuity in times of change or when there is new leadership. This provides a stabilizing factor for the company during the change and will also create the sense of opportunities brought about by the change.

+ Use resources efficiently and effectively. This has a positive impact on the ability of the business to grow at a higher rate with an “improved bottom line.”

+ Anticipate problems and develop policies and procedures to meet future needs. This improves decision making in the organization.

+ Gain commitment and bring your group together to work on common goals. This helps build stronger teams with a clear sense of direction.

Do you have any idea of ​​the potential benefits that strategic thinking and planning can bring to your business or organization? If you would like more information on the power of strategic thinking and planning and how these techniques can bring significant benefits to you and your business, please contact Glenn Ebersole through my website at or by email [email protected].

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