Top 3 Weight Loss Apps

Sodas are bigger, burgers have more patties, and everywhere you look, people are complaining about weight gain. The average weight in the United States and other countries is higher than it was ten years ago; deaths from preventable diseases linked to obesity are common. There are many reasons why straps need some new notches, but the most important thing is to change things up.

Technology is often cited as one of the causes of the ever-expanding waistlines around the world. So why not use technology to fight back? Mobile apps that track food and fitness can help you reach your weight loss or fitness goals, and you’ll have fun doing it. While you can certainly write down the calories in your sandwich or the number of minutes spent on the treadmill in a notebook, or enter it into a computer, a mobile app has benefits over both options.

First: You usually have your smartphone or tablet with you. The devices are designed to be portable, even more so than a laptop. Are you more likely to pull out a desktop, laptop, or smartphone over lunch with friends? Most people are definitely more likely to quickly check their phone than they are to fire up a laptop, go online, and go to a website.

Second: you don’t actually have to count. Most apps that track your food or fitness have built-in calculators that work with values ​​already entered into the system. The app can tell you how many calories are in a McDonald’s McDouble. It can tell you how many calories a 5’6″, 150 pound woman burns doing 45 minutes on an elliptical machine.

Since gym equipment is notorious for overestimating calorie burn, most apps are also more reliable. It is not common to overestimate your burning and underestimate your feeding; doing both will definitely prevent you from losing a lot of weight. Why not use an app to be sure of accuracy?

But which apps should you choose? Mobile application development has come a long way since the days of PDAs; there are plenty of options for a smart user. If you’re just starting out, popular apps that are easy to use and troubleshoot are your best bet.

my fitness friend

My Fitness Pal is an app developed by the creators of the popular diet website. Create an account on your mobile device, if you’d like, or enter information for an account you create online. The mobile app syncs with any input you make on the site or on other devices, making it easy to switch from one device to another. MyFitnessPal has user generated databases with tons of foods to help you determine your calorie intake each day. It also helps to calculate the amount of food you should eat; it can also track things like fat, protein, potassium, and fiber.

GPS Nike+

Nike+ GPS is the perfect app for novice or experienced runners. It uses GPS technology to track your runs. Friends can connect to your workouts to help motivate you by commenting or liking your progress. It even offers a game mode called Nike+ Tag that pits you against friends using the app. Voice feedback allows you to focus on your run instead of on your phone screen. Nike+ GPS makes running even more fun and can help you get out of bed on gray mornings when you don’t feel like running.

daily body workout

Daily Body Workout is another app that helps you maintain or increase your fitness. However, it is not only aimed at runners. It can help with a lot of cardio routines. You can even use it to target certain muscle groups. A certified personal trainer models the activities, helping you get in the best possible shape. Workouts can last from 10 to 30 minutes and are created based on your gender.

So log out of Angry Birds, turn off Instagram, and give these health and fitness apps a try. Your body, and those skinny jeans you’ve been hoping to get into, will thank you. Have you ever tried any of these smartphone apps?

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