Top 11 Weight Loss Tips

  1. Don’t eliminate all the food you love. It’s a helpful weight loss tip to count and cut calories, but I’ve found it’s best to cut a lot of calories and save a few calories to eat something you really like once in a while. Maybe I can eat a nice hamburger with gravy once a week if I save enough calories. This way it keeps you motivated and gives you something to work towards.
  2. write down everything you eat. Make sure you write down everything you eat, even if it’s a splurge day. You need to record everything you eat and how many calories you eat. The paper doesn’t lie and it will put a good perspective on your weight loss plan and how you’re progressing.
  3. Post photos on your fridge. This weight loss tip doesn’t mean you have to post “fat” photos of yourself, but something that motivates you, like photos from a dream island vacation or maybe of your idol. Stay motivated positively, not negatively.
  4. Use scales in the kitchen. Use a scale to measure your portions, it’s easy to fool yourself.
  5. buy new clothes after you lost a few dress sizes. Through all the bigger old clothes so you don’t get fatter again. You can even treat yourself to a pair of jeans that are a little too small so you can work to get into those jeans and stay in them.
  6. Be honest with yourself. Don’t worry too much if you’ve exceeded your calorie intake. As long as you keep track of it. Remember that it is the average caloric intake that counts for fat loss.
  7. Get some regular exercise. It should come as no surprise that some regular exercise is best for sustained weight loss. This is definitely one of the best weight loss tips. Even if you only go for a walk for 30 minutes a day, you are already a start or really accelerate your weight loss by running on the treadmill or jogging.
  8. Don’t drink too much alcohol. Measure your alcohol intake carefully and don’t overdo it. If you like the occasional drink, don’t deprive yourself of it, just make sure you stick with the low-calorie option.
  9. Make water your drink of choice. Eliminate as many sugary drinks as you can, including juices. They contain sugar and a lot of calories. Stick with water as your beverage of choice.
  10. Never give up. Don’t be put off by a “cheat day.” Just get back on the bike the next day and limit the damage. Never give up on your weight loss program and goals.
  11. And my additional advice to lose weight: If you really want to lose weight, you should join a good proven weight loss plan with good credentials. You can find some good programs and systems on my website.

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