Today’s Story – Tomorrow’s Story


I once thought that writing was just a gift, given to a select few. However, I have come to believe that this is not true for a number of reasons. When I hear a story as told in a typical conversation, I often say, “Wow! How interesting! You should write it down and share it with people.” The answer I get so often is, “I couldn’t do that. I’m not a writer. I’m not educated enough to do something like that.” They are unaware of the fact that some of our most prominent authors have been uneducated and untrained people who simply put their thoughts and feelings on paper. Perhaps it was recorded in a journal or personal journal that was found long after they left and published by family members. On the other hand, their writings could have been seen by a close friend or family member who encouraged them to publish their material, which ultimately touched the lives of readers everywhere. Now I am reading a book that was simply a diary, written by a man who would be extremely illiterate from today’s point of view. It was written in the 17th century, reprinted many times, and not just read, but studied by thousands, if not millions of people. It’s not an easy read, but it has so much to say that I, like many others, find it interesting and absorbing. If you can do that, why can’t it be anyone’s case?

I wrote my first book several years ago and it was so well accepted that it took me by surprise. He did not intend to write a book. I had just lost someone dear to my heart and in my pain I began to write a letter to him every day. He wasn’t there to read it, but it brought peace to my heart. When I finally got to the end, I realized that he had told his story. It was the story of my life and the influence that this great man had on my life. My pastor read it, gave it to an editor, and before I knew what was going on I became a published author. The book is now out of print, but it served its purpose. I didn’t get rich or famous, but my book still holds great value to many people and that was certainly the ultimate purpose of that endeavor.

In 2007, my husband of 56 years died, leaving me with limited finances. I have an autistic granddaughter who has been in my care since she was born. As I struggled to make ends meet, I started looking for ways to make money. She couldn’t leave home to work outside the home because she needed to be there to take care of her. This situation left me in what I considered an impossible situation. One day I received a card in the mail that suggested that I become an online entrepreneur. I tossed it aside, believing it was beyond my ability. Not long after, I received another card of that type and this time I did not throw it away. I kept it for a while and finally decided to call the number on the card. Finally, I invested a large sum of money and began my endeavors to enrich myself by writing and selling my work online. The show was guaranteed, so how was he going to lose?

While doing my best to make things work, I met someone online who I was deeply impressed with. He was working to earn money teaching others how to do what I was trying to do, but he did it with a thoughtful and considerate attitude. It was then that I started to learn. However, what I learned was how to work with a purpose and how to enjoy every minute of my work. It wasn’t about getting rich; rather it was about finding my niche and making the most of who I am. Of all the things I do, I find writing to be my joy. I remember when I was a child I would take paper and pencil to bed, hide it under a pillow and once my parents fell asleep I used a flashlight to give me enough light to see the paper. The one I mentioned earlier became my mentor and not at a cost beyond my resources. He charged minimal amounts for lessons and reports, in addition to offering many free aids; however, it seemed that he was getting nowhere. I printed them out, read everything, and finally found out that I wasn’t getting it. He was teaching, I was reading, but I was not assimilating the truth of what he was trying to say.

He finally offered a course and because I was so confident in him, I took it. That’s when everything changed for me. Suddenly a light came on and I could see that he was trying to be something he wasn’t made for. I was trying to write and sell information with the idea of ​​obtaining great wealth and that was not my strong suit. I am not an information writer, I am a storyteller. I have lived 76 years and have experienced a lot in my life. However, writing about him in a way that others would benefit was not for me. I needed to write in the form of history, just like now, to find satisfaction in what I do.

My mentor has a good purpose in seeking to earn money online. Their efforts are aimed at using that money to help others who are less fortunate. This is true for many online marketers. As for me, it’s not so much about money as it is about wanting my stories to be an end in themselves. Different people write for different reasons. I write in an effort to bring encouragement and inspiration to people around the world. The autism stories taken from the 22-year-old journal involving my efforts with my granddaughter have been helpful to many. My poetry is often published in magazines and newspapers at no cost. I believe that if we give, we will eventually receive.

I am telling my story to encourage those who have never thought about writing articles or books to consider trying it. Write down some of the things you talk about when communicating with others. Try writing down some of your memories or some of your deepest thoughts. Who knows? You could be the writer the world is waiting for. I think one of the best reasons to write is family-centered. I wish my parents and grandparents had written down some of their experiences and memories. There would be a lot to learn from that. His way of life is history now. What is happening in our lives today will be history for our descendants.

I suggest you start a registration. If you are in the spring of your life, start a life story by entering data into that record every day. It may seem unimportant to you now, but the day will come when it can be valuable information to you and to those who care about you. If you are in the summer of your days, you already have a lot to tell. Most of those in the fall years have children who will one day want to know more about you and your perspective on life itself. If you’ve hit the winter years like me, think back, collect your memories of yesteryear, and leave a valuable story that can be traced back to decades to come.

May this be the first day of your writing career. Whether you have a lifetime to write or even a few years, what you have to say may be more important to others than you think. I hope this article encourages you to start writing tomorrow’s story now.

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