Three Things Every Homeowners Association Board Member Should Know

As a property manager, I enjoy the dynamic of working with condominium boards and homeowners associations. Basically, the Board runs the Association along with volunteer homeowners in an effort to keep property values ​​high through proper maintenance of common areas, maintaining uniformity, and ensuring positive curb appeal. The Association works closely with the property manager to set goals for the year, manage annual projects and budgets, and assist owners with maintenance issues through the Architectural Committee. Owner participants occasionally have previous experience working with cashier’s reports, work orders and the various challenges that come up in any home, but many of them learn ‘on the job’. After years of working in association with association boards, I have noticed three qualities that distinguish effective board members. Putting these elements into practice in your role can help empower your property managers, maintain owner pride and keep your property values ​​high.

1. Know your CC&Rs
It is essential that each member is familiar with their community’s governing documents, known as CC&Rs. These are the covenants that govern a community. They are initially written by an attorney and include the relevant Declarations, Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation, parcel maps and plans for the property. Over time, CC&Rs expand to include Rules and Regulations created by the Board of Directors of owners and may be updated and revised, provided they are in compliance with the governing documents.

2. Compliance is king
The Board of Directors is often considered to be ‘the bad guy’ because they initiate letters asking owners to comply, such as replacing window frames that are the wrong color or doors that do not match other units. But these are necessary requests because when you look at a well-maintained community, the eye will see that uniformity is often the attribute that attracts new home buyers. When a community is well maintained, the grass is mowed and manicured, trash cans are out of sight, and cars are parked in their proper spaces, it gives the potential buyer the assurance that the people who live here care about community. The net result: higher property values ​​for potential new owners and a sense of pride for existing ones.

3. You are part of a team
A good board member will be available to listen to the needs of the owners and let them know that their problems are taken seriously. Participating in a Board doesn’t have to be time-consuming, but it’s important to remember that the Board is a team, and sometimes teamwork requires a greater investment of time. One person never makes decisions: they are made as a group, so they represent the whole community. It is also very important not to take these issues personally, but with an attitude of understanding and compassion. Although it is your responsibility to notify owners when they are out of compliance, it is done respectfully, without offense or hardship.

The role of the association board member is essential to the long-term success of a community. The people who dedicate their time and energy to this role are personally committed to preserving property values, maintaining pride of ownership and ensuring a better quality of life. These volunteers are appreciated!

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