The world famous book

First of all, let me tell you that I am a published author of fiction and non-fiction.

I’ve definitely been to the bottom, looking towards the fantastically high peak of getting a book published by a real publisher, let alone getting someone to buy a copy of my book. So I’m going to pass on some hard-earned tips to help you get published and make the book a best-seller.

What is Marketing?

Marketing is when you put beer and diapers next to each other on Friday nights, in time for the men who come to your store after work for beer and diapers. And you put in some special items, grouped by beer and diapers, so they don’t miss out – the best of your best-selling snacks for men, boys, and wives, too.

So how do you market a book?

1) Your book better be really good.

What does this mean?

That you are a good writer, that you write well and that what you write is convincing.

2) If it is fiction, the story has to reach inside the reader and touch the true feelings. My best advice is to write from your own guts. Take us into the experience. How does it feel, how does it taste, how does it play, how did it sound, where is it? All of these questions must be answered in writing.

3) If it’s non-fiction, tell me the story. Use the 5Ws: who, what, where, when, why.

4) Have a beginning and put it in the context of the whole.

5) Have a middle part where you get going and get into the meat. Describe how meat tastes to me and how it smells too. Was it hot meat? Yes? Well, tell me about the spiciness of the meat.

6) Also write about what interests YOU. Tell me about your experiences doing, seeing, and being with what turns you on. If you didn’t like something to do with it, bring me the negative, flesh it out.

Example: “I didn’t like the movie. It sucked big.”

No, it is not enough. Give me more!

Example: “The film is wildly stupid and reaches new lows of self-indulgent self-reference.”

No, I haven’t arrived yet.

Tell me WHY it’s stupid and how it hits the new lows.

Example: “This movie has dialogue that amounts to grunts and groans, without a word that makes sense. I saw all the characters scratching themselves for 3 hours. Yes, that was the theme of the whole movie. If you like to watch people scratching, groaning and groaning, this will be your epic cinematic experience. The rest of you, do yourself a favor and give this supposed artistic indulgence a wide margin. “

6) Write a great summary, your conclusion, with a suspense that draws us back to the next series in the series, or a place where you can be satisfied that all the villains are existentially and ironically punished, and the heroes are restored. to rewards appropriate or elevated to them.

7) Even if the ending is black and everyone dies, give it to me in style.

8) If your style is concise, cut and direct, make the words like daggers that pierce my cold heart.

9) What is the title of your book? “Cancer Face”, gold, “The Love Genius” or “Kraft Dinner Zombie”. Whatever it is, it’s a bit like naming your rock band. Or a new political party.

Well, you have a great book. Now you have to find the publisher. And for starters, this could end up being you. Yes, the ultimate publisher of your work could be You Incorporated.

There are many desktop publishing options to explore. Do an internet search and take your time to do your research. I dare not mention any specific option, lest my article be rejected.

I have some specific suggestions for you to sell your own self-published book:

1) Get some copies and go door to door. I have done this and you will be amazed at how many books you will sell using this method.

2) Prepare for NO. The word NO is a huge barrier for most of us, especially when it is tied to something as valuable as our own work. Learn to take NO for what it really is.

3) NO is a keyword for “Not now, thank you very much.” It is also very good news, because it means that you are much closer to your next “YES, thanks, sure, I’ll buy you a book.”

4) Establish a regular routine of going out and selling your book from door to door, and choose the times when people are most likely to be home, respecting the best times to NOT ring the bell or knock on that door. Use common sense. After 9 PM is NOT a good idea.

5) Create a nice and tasty door knocker to leave behind, with directions to your website or sales page with your publishing partner.

6) Which leads us to select a good website provider, your dot com domain name, and website hosting. All of this requires that you take your time and build each part with care and consideration.

7) Create press releases that stand out from the crowd and start getting in touch with everything that moves and doesn’t move in the media world, and let them know about your book.

8) Prepare some interesting videos about your book and post them on all internet sites where you can post videos.

9) Start linking everything you are doing so that it is a real, legitimate backlink.

10) Create a fan page. Obviously, I’m going to suggest Facebook and all the other social networks that you can mouse over.

Phew! I have a lot more to write about on this topic, so I know I will come back and write a few more articles on how to promote your book. It’s overwhelming, for sure. Hey, writing a book to completion and then rewriting it to polished prose, that’s a great achievement. It is almost unfair that a great artist like you has to sweat with more work. You want your marketing to be a success, so take the time. You can count on it taking as long as it took to write your book, maybe longer.

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