The revolution of evolution in the “Illuminati”

Someone I know via FB recently sent me a link to a video, with a message attached: “it’s worth listening to” and “this is what we’re up against.”

This video allegedly exposed the “Illuminati”: the text recited is a list of the ways ‘they’ are manipulating and controlling the masses, along with visual images meant to horrify and ignite.

First let me say that the text itself, when examined, contains multiple contradictions and an inherent fallacy that makes the whole exercise a terrible joke. Viewed objectively, the ‘covenant’ is a cunningly devised speech whose purpose is obviously to excite those of little understanding or discernment.

(The fact is that there doesn’t need to be an elite group of puppet masters who manipulate the masses. The masses are well manipulated only by the advertising industry. The ads we see every day that tell us that to be happy we have to look thus, eating that and driving the other are enough to convince most to stay on the treadmill of consumerism: spend time, energy, and hard-earned money conforming to the latest idea of ​​’in’ or ‘ hip’ –wasting life chasing the carrot that is always out of reach, and burdened with endless debt. A slave who imagines he is free.)

What my (I guess well-intentioned) acquaintance and those who spread the alarm about this supposed cabal apparently don’t realize, is that by circulating this material they are serving the very purpose of those they condemn: the spread of fear and loathing. —exciting the minds of the easily influenced to ineffectual anger. The result is that those who engage in this type of conspiracy theory render themselves useless in the larger struggle of Ignorance vs. Enlightenment: because to engage at all is to give one’s energy to the Ignorance. By dwelling on insanity, or inanity, we feed it energetically (witness the Palin phenomenon), and only by withdrawing one’s attention/energy can one become impotent. Where there is no reaction there is no effect.

We are only the effect of what we recognize.

By ceasing to get involved in the maelstrom promulgated by the media, whose main motive is profit and the secondary purpose of involving the population in the whirlwind of opinion, neutralizing them in the continuous process of overcoming ignorance, we take the position : we use our energy as we WILLnot as you would want us, reactively.

Those who understand this principle of Self Mastery and recognize our Oneness focus their energy and attention on propagating that which fosters Understanding, Harmony and Compassion, for in doing so we remove the false barriers that have been erected to divide and conquer. , and tip the scales towards the Light.

Be part of this intensifying phenomenon: embrace the Evolutionary Revolution and allow Consciousness to expand in you.

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