the mango tree

There was a woman who had four very beautiful and intelligent daughters. She wanted them to learn not to judge things or people too quickly, so she sent them on a mission to go and accept the mango tree in the hills and outskirts of the village. The first daughter was in winter and the second was in spring, the third in summer, the fourth and the youngest were in autumn. When they all returned, she called them together and asked them to describe what they had seen or discovered about the mango tree. the first daughter said that the tree was short, ugly, crooked and crooked, the second on it was covered with a green bird and full of promise, the third disagreed with any of them but was laden with flowers that smelled so sweet and they looked beautiful it was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my life” the fourth daughter disagreed with all of them, she said they were ripe with yellow, red orange and green fruits, and were full of life and fullness. The mother she was so amazed with each of the trials and then explained to her daughters that they were fine.

Remember, they all went during each season and didn’t go through all four seasons, so they had each seen only one season in the life of the tree, so she told them that you can’t judge the importance of a tree because of the various experiences. like droughts, hurricanes, floods, whether the conditions have passed using only one season but waiting and taking into account the four seasons; then you can tell the importance of the tree.

However, humans are like the mango tree because they go through seasons in their life, but these seasons when they pass by makes them more steadfast, so when you meet someone don’t jump to a conclusion as you might be making a mistake because if you give up During winter, you may miss out on the promise of spring, the beauty of summer, and the fulfillment of fall. Furthermore, don’t let the pain of one season destroy the joy of others. The difficult moments that we go through in our day to day life do not mean that our future will be difficult, but rather that it prepares us for a better day. For example, 80% of men/women are afraid of being in a relationship because of what happened in the past with their ex boyfriend and girlfriends. That was then this is now, not for people we are the same. Don’t settle for less, but rather perseverance like the mango tree through harsh conditions will see you come out refined as the adage goes “hard times don’t last, but people do.” Keep faith alive, keep working, keep trusting and keep your head up, life gets better. Do not jump to conclusions about people because the joy, peace, love and pleasure of any person cannot be experienced without being with the person throughout the various stages of their life, so that the person who to you looks like the worst might be the best person you’ve ever experienced.

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