The male chastity key holder and his responsibilities

The common image of a male chastity key holder is that of a woman who is in control and concerned only with herself, her own pleasure and her own satisfaction. And although women like this exist and there are men who enjoy this type of relationship with them, the truth is that most couples are not interested in such an extreme expression of the game.

Why have a…

Chastity keychain?

Because many men seriously and inescapably yearn to be chaste. And while that’s a fantasy that can never come true, owning a chastity key ring makes it as real as ever.

And it is also true that most men, when they bring up the subject, profess a desire to be locked up more or less permanently and rarely or never allowed out, but this is an emotionally charged desire that it has little to do with what the man really wants. of his life as a chaste man.

The reality is that man really wants further of his sex life, no less. It’s not an obvious connection because it’s reasonable for an inexperienced male chastity key holder”lock it up and leave it“.

In my experience, this is one of the biggest causes of lifestyle problems, especially in the early days.

And ultimately it always comes down to miscommunication: the man is unclear on what he is offering and unclear on what he is expecting.

Some would say that you have no right to “expect” anything, though unless you’re adopting a strict D&S lifestyle with your wife or girlfriend playing the strict Mistress, then I think this is a dangerous thought for your relationship.

Because, as I find myself repeating over and over again, simply because men who ask their women to hasten to become their holder of the key to male chastity are missing some crucial points:

  1. This is an old fantasy for you, but everything is new for your lady. Until she has had some time to get used to the idea and get used to playing and familiar with the rules you both agree to follow, she will have no idea what is expected of her.
  2. If one of the things in your marriage that you want to change is an outdated sex life, then something has to push you both in the right direction. If she hasn’t been bothering you for the last 20 years, it doesn’t matter. and denying yourself orgasm at the end, unlikely to start now unless you tell him this is what you want.
  3. You have almost certainly never owned a male chastity lock before. And you’ve never been on the receiving end of it. So, since you’re both new to this, how can you expect to magically get it “right” from the start unless you’re prepared to talk about it, try some new things, commit, and, yeah? even make some mistakes.

It would be wonderful if we could just slip into the lifestyle as if we were born to it, miraculously going from normal married couple to instant experts, but we don’t.

In fact, the more you read the forums and blogs and try to conform to the image of a male chastity key holder as typically portrayed, the less likely you are to have a successful outcome.

For it to be successful, it has to work for both of you. The only way to know what the other person wants is to talk about it and agree on the terms; and the only way to know if the other person is getting what they want is to… talk about it!

I and thousands of other women have found locking our men in chastity to be a wonderful expression of our love and a lovely and, let’s be honest, amazing new direction in my sexuality.

However, it hasn’t always been easy, and one of the hardest lessons I learned as a male chastity key holder was that it’s No everything about “me” at all: it’s about the two of us, just like our entire marriage.

Look, you’ll read a lot of hype and nonsense about male chastity, and you really want sensible, serious, realistic information and advice so you can make those all-important decisions, right?

So if you are SICK and TIRED of reading all the obviously made up blogs and forums about male chastity and having a strict chastity headline then you need to get the TRUTH about it from a genuine lifestyle partner who lives it 24/7.

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