The Law of Supply: The Second of Bob Proctor’s 11 Forgotten Laws

The Law of Supply spoken of in the 11 Forgotten Laws is a spiritual law, or Universal Law. By trying to practice the Law of Attraction as presented in The Secret, without realizing the Law of Supply it is unlikely that most of us will be able to manifest the life we ​​desire.

If you want the Law of Attraction to work for you, you will need to know the Law of Supply.

Ask, and it will be given to you; Seek and you shall find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7.

This verse has been used to imply that all we have to do is ask. Actually, according to the 11 Forgotten Laws of the Universe that is true. But it is also true, according to the Law of Thought, that what we believe in our most intimate thoughts is what will manifest in our lives. So if we ask, but we believe in a world of lack and scarcity, what do you think is going to happen?

Basically, the Law of Supply boils down to the belief in abundance. Bob and Mary specifically teach us how to understand the Law of Supply and how to implement the Law of Supply in our lives to get amazing results.

The first thing that may need to change in our consciousness is the idea that we are not supposed to have abundance. The Law of Supply says exactly the opposite. In this lesson of the 11 Forgotten Laws, The Law of Supply is a Truth that affirms that we were created to evolve, create, achieve, advance; in other words, to be successful.

We also need to learn that in the Universe of Abundance we live in, we were all created to have it all. Abundance and prosperity is not something that is reserved for the special few, although it often seems that way.

To use and understand the Law of Supply, we must first understand this concept. We are supposed to be happy every day and gratitude is another of the Universal Laws. But the nature of our own being is not to be satisfied. It is our spiritual nature to always strive for more good, increasing supply and increasing satisfaction for ourselves and the world.

This spiritual law of supply is based on the concept that everything we need is already available to us; it is our inability to recognize the supply that causes negative beliefs which in turn produce negative effects.

We’ve all heard people say “I’ll believe it when I see it.” Perhaps you have also said that. As we begin to study the Law of Supply, we begin to recognize that we have it backwards. We are taught that we will see it when we create it.

All of this may seem like a long way off, but Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey use examples to help us easily understand the 11 Forgotten Laws. The 11 Forgotten Laws are here to help you train your mind and use the Law of Supply.

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