The 3 Stages of Leadership Development

Stages of Leadership Development

If you’re interested in becoming a leader, it’s good to know that there are three main stages of leadership development. Each stage involves a different set of skills and processes. Understanding how to get from one stage to the next can be a key to getting the most out of your team and your organization.

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The first stage is often referred to as “doing”. It involves a variety of activities and processes, including creating basic documentation on tasks and procedures, defining processes and procedures, identifying how to leverage existing systems and making the process a bit easier. At this level, you’re largely involved in the day-to-day operations. You are also responsible for developing and supporting your employees.

During the second stage of leadership development, you’ll find that your duties have increased in importance, but you’ll be much less involved in the day-to-day. Your roles will be less visible, but you will still be in charge of making decisions. As a result, you’ll have to make the tough calls in order to get the best results.

The 3 Stages of Leadership Development

The third phase of leadership development involves the triumvirate of building your team, setting performance standards and managing performance relative to those goals. By this point, you’re not just leading your team, you’re mentoring and training them to stay on top of their game. Getting your team to perform better will help you become a more effective leader.

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The third and fourth phases of leadership involve much more work, but the rewards are worth it. You’ll be able to create a culture of excellence and a sense of pride among your staff. Having employees that want to do the best job for their company is the key to a successful organization.

In the third phase of leadership, you’ll be responsible for managing your team’s performance, defining your organizational culture, and building relationships with stakeholders outside your immediate group. This can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there are tools out there to help. For example, the AMA has a Webinar that explains how to transition from a contributor to a manager.

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Throughout the journey to leadership, you’ll have to deal with the occasional “gotcha” moment. However, it’s important to keep your chin up. One of the most difficult challenges for leaders is keeping their staff motivated. Make sure to communicate well with your employees, and seek counsel when necessary.

The best way to accomplish this is to keep up with your team’s work and to monitor their progress. Likewise, you should not be afraid to take a little time to ask yourself the right questions to ensure you’re on the right path.

To sum up, leadership is a lifelong process. Getting to the next level can be a long journey, but if you’re armed with the right tools and resources, you can be on your way to success. While each level of leadership takes its own special skills, the most important aspect of your success will depend on the people you lead.

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