The 3 Essentials of Writing: Reading, Researching, and Writing

In the world of writing there are three types of writers. First, there are people who like to write, but don’t have the gift. Extra effort is put into writing their stories, but they succeed. The second type are people who have the ability to write, but do not perfect their craft. These good writers are content with mediocrity. Then there are the gifted writers with the ability and drive to improve. They will do what they have to do to be the best they can be.

Regardless of what category you fall into as a writer, reading, researching, and writing make good writers great writers.


Read everything you can: newspapers, magazines, billboards, test messages, license plates, sales letters, commercials, everything. You’ll become familiar with the different writing styles and get an idea of ​​what you like and don’t like. You’ll gain a better understanding of punctuation placement and grammar usage. More importantly, his knowledge base will grow, making him not only a more well-rounded writer, but also an interesting person.


Research adds substance to your already interesting topic. Information is all around you. So you don’t have to venture far to get it. The library is the best resource for anything you need or want to know. Information is at your fingertips with the Internet. The technology is so good that you can access almost any library from the Internet. However, there’s nothing like a trip to a library to get the original source of data. Don’t dismiss the value of people as sources. New insights can be gained through informal conversations and interviews.


A writer cannot be a writer without writing. Put everything on paper no matter how irrelevant you think it is. Little thoughts can become big stories. Your grammar, punctuation and sentence structure will definitely improve. In addition, he will develop a unique writing style and voice that will set him apart from his fellow scribes.

Essentially, no matter what your skill level is as a writer, you can only hone your writing by reading, researching, and writing.

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