Steroids and Penile Sensitivity: An Unhappy Combination

While men may choose to pump iron and get muscular for all sorts of reasons, many people do so because they’d like to attract a partner. Wavy muscles are generally considered attractive, so it’s reasonable to expect that a workout routine can have a positive impact on a man’s sex life. However, if that man enhances his weight training with steroids, he might experience some unpleasant side effects that affect his sexual performance. In fact, he may find that his penis is less sensitive than in the past. Recovering might mean getting off steroids and getting on with good penile care.

Steroid Basics

Steroids used by weightlifters to improve their muscles are usually made from synthetic forms of male hormones. Pumping the body full of these chemicals can cause muscles to swell and increase feelings of power, but the body can interpret all these signals with alarm and can start working hard to correct what it sees as an imbalance.

For some men, this could mean that:

  1. the body begins to produce low levels of male hormones;
  2. hormone receptors that are involved in the regulation of male function are deactivated;
  3. Cells may also release compensatory chemicals, including chemicals associated with female characteristics, in their attempt to re-regulate the body’s systems.

These additions and modulations can wreak havoc on a man’s sex drive, and it’s not uncommon for men who abuse steroids to experience periods when they have no interest in sex or are unable to climax when having sex. Some men even experience reduced sensitivity while taking high levels of specific steroid medications. The extra hormones and corrective cycles of the body are to blame, but it can spell disaster for a man.

Bad decisions

Some men who have steroid sensitivity issues react by engaging in extremely long sexual episodes that may seem like fun but can leave penile tissue behind:

  • Red
  • Raw
  • Irritated
  • blisters

The recipient of these marathon attention sessions might be just as injured and uninterested in repeating the performance.

Some men who have reduced sensitivity respond by taking even higher doses of their medications or by seeking out new drug combinations that can restore their health and vigor. While this might be helpful in the short term, again, the body tends to adapt when presented with this type of chemical stimulus. As a result, do-it-yourself solutions are not helpful, as the body will always look for ways to create balance.

good options

Since steroids can cause such unpleasant side effects, men using these drugs may need to work with experts to beat their dependency and move on with life in a healthier way. For some, this might mean gradually tapering down to smaller doses until they are taking nothing. For others, this might mean a quick approach followed by talk therapy. For others, working with a community of former addicts could be key to stopping the steroid cycle. No matter which way a man goes, however, he may need to do a bit of work to get penile sensitivity rates back to normal.

Focusing on sensational mapping can be very helpful for men with low sensitivity ratings. Men can ask their partners for help, and in each session, the man can try to map where a partner’s touch lands on the penis. Every touch and every thought reminds the brain to map the penis and pay attention to its signals. In time, a man can regain all the feelings he thought he had lost, as long as the steroids have worn off.

A penis health cream. (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can also be useful. These products can ease the damage caused by long sessions of sex, and the emollients and vitamins can help nourish the skin and ensure that the touch and pressure receptors are working as they should. When the man is ready for sex once again, his team will be up to the task as well.

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