Stay away from destructive people

The friends we have and the company we keep can influence our actions, our emotions and even our philosophy of life. Medical researchers have shown that positive relationships and socialization with the right kinds of people can keep a person in good mental, physical, and spiritual health. Conversely, a lack of healthy friendships and social support can lead to illness or even early death. Therefore, it is important to develop a good relational IQ: seek the company of people with a stable, reliable character and who have a healthy and solid attitude towards life. Cultivating friendships with destructive people is a call to misery.

Characteristics of destructive people:

Nobody in the world is perfect. We come with our own individual quirks and shortcomings. But there are limits beyond which relationships become unhealthy. The sooner we recognize this, the easier it will be to prevent, avoid, or, if possible, repair dysfunctional relationships. Some traits stand out as destructive.

• Aggressive behavior: That person always wants to be in a position of control. He will dominate and manipulate people. He wants authority without responsibility. He is stubborn and stubborn and snaps when he can’t get his way. He believes that to stay on top he must demolish the opposition and the competition.

• Bullying: This is a bully. He will intimidate through speech and manners and humiliate the other person into submission.

• Selfishness and Egocentrism: He has his own interests at heart and is indifferent to the feelings of others.

• Abuse of Power: Exploits his subordinates; is dishonest and deceitful; Sexual harassment in the workplace is common; At home, you may subject your wife to physical and emotional abuse.

• Narcissism: Boasts and brags about himself. The inflated sense of importance to him makes her believe that he is always right. He thrives on flattery and flattery.

• Integrity Deficit Disorder: Knows what is right but does not do the right thing. He is unreliable and cannot be trusted. He is hypercritical and willing to devalue others. Empathy is something you know nothing about.

• Indecision: Such a person wants others to decide how he should act. It is more reactive than proactive.

• Chronic complaints: People or circumstances are always blocking your progress, a sure sign of incompetence.

• Negative vision of life: He never takes risks for fear of failure.

How to stay away from destructive people:

1. Most people who get into destructive relationships lack self-esteem. Learn to love and value yourself so that no one can harass, intimidate or manipulate you. Make it clear that you will not tolerate aggressive behavior. Walk away from that relationship without losing your cool. Reacting in anger will only give the bully satisfaction.

2. Never defend or cover for such people. expose them.

3. Question any situation with which you disagree.

4. If your boss is a bully and unprincipled, make sure your orders are in writing or in some verifiable form.

5. Stay away from people who complain all the time. They will depress you and color your outlook on life. Refuse to take on other people’s anxieties and resentments.

6. Avoid gossip mongers.

7. Choose your spouse wisely. Avoid a bully or a person displaying destructive behavior. Your life partner should make you feel good about yourself. There must be honesty, mutual respect and the ability to communicate freely.

Happiness is the best way to keep destructive people out of your life. Being in the company of unreliable, incompetent, and insecure people would mean endorsing such behavior. Set high standards for yourself and refuse to deviate from them. Surround yourself with healthy friends and people of integrity. Don’t give up your personal power by subjugating yourself to destructive people. Develop your relational skills.

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