Star Wars costumes for toddlers

If you’re a Star Wars fan, I suppose you have a lot of things out there that will alert people to that fact: action figures, t-shirts, sheets, or even breakfast cereals. Your fandom has no end and you show it off with pride! Why wouldn’t you be? It is one of the best movie franchises of all time. It’s modern stories like this movie that tell us what life experience is all about. Most people see Star Wars for the first time as a child and never look back. They are hooked and the influence resonates for a lifetime. But like anyone else, you get older, you get married, you have a career and you have children. Once you have your own children, it is up to you to instill the influence of Star Wars in the next generation so that they can appreciate and carry the messages and meanings of the movies to your children and your children’s children. A fun way to introduce your little one to Star Wars is through Star Wars costumes and playtime. Fantasy will help you feel immersed and engaged with the galaxy far away.

George Lucas has said that the little droid R2-D2 is supposed to be like a little boy. He’s emotional, prone to tantrums, but he’s also very gutsy and incredibly adorable. Surely your child looks a lot like R2-D2! This is a great costume idea for your little one. They will love doing droid “beeps” and “boops” just like the ones in the movies. Your little one is the perfect size to take on the role of the iconic droid. Some ideas for playtime is that you can become C-3PO and the two of you can become the droid duo, investigating the forest moon of Endor (aka the backyard). This is definitely a fun way to introduce Star Wars into your child’s life.

Most children will want to be good. They will want to use the light side of the force as a Jedi or fight for the cause of the Rebellion. Then there are the little kids who have a mischievous streak and revel in the opportunity to be a little nasty. This is the boy who will want to be the Dark Lord of the Sith himself, Darth Vader! It’s going to be quite a fun juxtaposition when your smiling little one dons the black Darth Vader costume (just be careful not to show them the dark side!). They will love being the villain, while you can play the Emperor and the boy Vader as your apprentice. Or you could even pretend to be a Jedi while they pretend to be your enemy, despite all the giggles and smiles.

Master Yoda makes a perfect toddler costume! They are the perfect size! Make a little hut in the backyard and call it Dagobah. The two of you can learn the forms of force by running, jumping, and learning to swerve with a lightsaber. Like Yoda, an Ewok or a Jawa are Star Wars characters perfectly sized for a toddler. They will love being any of these Star Wars characters as long as it goes along with dressing up and playing time!

Star Wars is a wonderful thing that must be passed on to the next generation. If you use Star Wars as a base for fantasy with your kids, they will love the movies and have fond memories of playing Star Wars with Mom and Dad in the backyard. A great place to find costumes for children and adults is They have material from both the Star Wars trilogies and the Clone Wars. Star Wars will remain alive in people’s hearts and minds when you bring it home and use it as a boost to interact with your children at an influential age.

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