Speak Confidently Without Talking – The Importance of Body Language

It is a surprising but true fact that verbal speech, the actual words you are speaking, only makes up 7% of human communication. The other 93% is made up entirely of non-verbal cues: body language makes up 55%; and tone 38%. These take the form of body posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movements. Although some of these cues are unintentional, there are several that can be consciously modified so that you can present an image of yourself that is confident, capable, and professional.

Posture makes a big statement about what you’re saying

Perhaps the most instantly recognizable body language cue is posture. Consider for a moment how you usually stand or sit and how this would look to others. Do you sit up straight or do you slouch? Poor posture and rounded shoulders can communicate both a lack of confidence and professionalism, even from a distance. On the other hand, standing or sitting stiffly can indicate that you are tense or uncomfortable. A good rule of thumb is to aim for something in between. Stand or sit upright with your shoulders slightly back and make sure your chin is level with the floor. If you’re standing, place your feet about shoulder-width apart and focus on distributing your weight evenly. These tips combined with slow, steady breathing can give you a calm, natural, and confident air. You can communicate that you are attentive and engaged by squaring your hips and shoulders with the person you are conversing with.

Gestures can show nervousness or confidence

Gestures are another important factor in good communication. Gesturing while talking can help the listener stay tuned and retain the information you are giving. Some studies have even shown that the types of gestures you use can influence how you are perceived. For example, there is evidence to suggest that those who gesture with open hands and palms up are judged to be more open and honest. Consider the gestures you are using while speaking and whether or not they match the message you are trying to communicate. Also, try to avoid restlessness. Many people unconsciously touch their rings, necklaces, ties, and hair while talking and listening. This type of excessive fidgeting can communicate nervousness or inattention. As a general rule, keep your hands on the table in front of you or at your sides while you listen, and then use them to gesture when it is your turn to speak.

Making use of these tips can greatly increase your ability to communicate effectively, but remember that the road goes both ways. You can also pay attention to these cues in others while talking to them. Your conversation partner may never say that he’s bored, confused, or upset, but if he takes physical cues into account, he’ll be able to read them. Using this information to tailor your own communication can in turn make you a very effective speaker and listener.

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