Sasha Davies’ West Coast Cheese Guide is a Winner!

Do you have a foodie on your gift list this year? If so, your holiday shopping is now a bit easier. “The Guide to West Coast Cheese” by Sasha Davies is a perfect gift to help the case-lover in your life delve into the cheeses of the Left Coast.

The book, published by Portland, Oregon-based Timber Press, explores more than 300 cheeses made by hand in California, Oregon and Washington. It is an essential resource, written clearly and concisely with expert authority.

The West Coast has been a unique and special incubator for cheese culture, with a deep history of dairy culture and a burgeoning renaissance today from north to south.

Father Juniper Serro, who took root in missions throughout (southern) California, bringing with him Spanish-style cows, dairy, and cheese. In the Bay Area, David Jacks transported his soft, buttery cheese from Monterey by boat to San Francisco in boxes stamped “Jacks, Monterey,” where the locals dubbed it “Monterey Jack,” one of the original “American cheeses. Original”.

On the Oregon coast of Tillamook, a schooner brought high-quality coastal dairy products inland, showcasing and launching an enduring brand. Small local dairies flourished and defined the region in the 1950s and 1960s.

The 2000s saw a revival of artisan cheese in a region stretching from the northern Bay Area to Seattle and beyond, when a trifecta of great food emerged: a food-savvy population, a locavore atmosphere, and a farmers market friendly worldview. Recent history is well known, with a flourishing of small artisan dairies gaining recognition at the regional, national and international levels.

This phenomenon struck me when I saw the maps of the West Coast cheesemakers included at the beginning of the book. Small dots with names of dairies abound that are hitting the mark with fine cheese after just a year or two in business. The sheer number of talented cheeses, both new and veteran, experimenting with original recipes and intriguing new flavors in such a wide area is simply impressive.

Davies’ book delves into the study of cheese in a unique and compelling way. From the beginning, she says, “I was interested in putting out a reference tool for people to introduce the large number of cheeses made in three states. It is a guide for anyone who likes to eat cheese and wants to understand what is done here. And understand how they are alike and how they differ “.

Like most cheese makers, Davies didn’t start with cheese. Rather, his passion evolved and gradually encompassed his professional endeavors. His cheese adventures began as a kindred apprentice in the cheese caves at Artisanal in New York City. She managed the caves of the venerable Murray’s Cheese, and in 2006, Davies and her husband embarked on a four-month trip to forty American artisan cheesemakers, producing blogs and podcasts at

A move to Portland in 2008 put Davies squarely in the middle of the West Coast scene. She notes: “I just felt (during the” Cheese by Hand “tour) that this would be the next great region in hand-made cheeses. It felt that way 4 years ago and I still feel it, not in a sense of rivalry, but just as much. than an epicenter. “

“There are some geographic and landscape aspects that make it an interesting region,” he notes, “it is also the fastest growing cheese region in terms of most of the new cheese producers that are emerging.”

The parallels were strong with Vermont, a Northeast cheesemaking mecca. “When we went northwest on our visit, I noticed that not only were there a growing number of smaller producers, but a large number were producing high-quality Vermont-like cheeses,” she says.

“People here were really focusing on cheeseboard cheeses, some modeled on European cheeses, others on fancy cheese ideas that people wished existed,” he observes. “The density of artisan cheese production in this area is simply impressive.”

As many authors and cheese experts like to point out, it helps that the West Coast, particularly the Northwest, has a climate and geography conducive to dairy farming, as there are no harsh winters. The large amount of rain and mild weather translate into a longer grazing season, making the grass great and producing great milk and cheese. Combine this with a growing group of dedicated and talented cheesemakers and it can only lead to incredible things.

So for the perfect gift for the cheese lover in your life, look no further than a copy of “The West Coast Cheese Guide” along with a selection of various cheeses featured from your local cheese shop. Everyone will have a happy holiday season with this memorable gift meant to be savored and celebrated.

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