Review by MJ Durkin, Can building a list equal to a master prospecting help sponsor more reps?

MJ Durkin is considered by many to be a master prospector and list building machine. But can his techniques help you recruit more reps?

Well, MJ Durkin is one of the most in-demand speakers and experts on the subject of face-to-face prospecting and booking. He is widely known as “North America’s Prospecting Trainer”, he has also been a keynote speaker and presenter at some of the biggest sales training conventions.

He has established himself among some of the best sales educators in the world with his direct style of prospecting, which has become a guide to help transform the approach to prospecting people in their businesses. He has been a top trainer for years with many Fortune 500 companies ranging from traditional corporate structures to network marketing companies.

He is the author of 4 books, “Double your contacts”, “Sell from the heart”, “Own your home, own your life” and “Your first 90 days in network marketing”. He has sold more than 70,000 books. and 140,000 training programs on compact disc.

I have read one of your books “Double Your Contacts”, in fact more than once. He puts a new way of thinking into his prospecting efforts. When everyone talks about the entire sales process, from introduction to follow-up to closing, Mj talks about the number of prospects he can deal with.

His no-nonsense approach cuts through all the crap and gets right to the point so you don’t waste time with the wrong people and you come across as an authority figure. But at the same time showing respect and care. As MJ would say, “slap the prospect in a caring way.”

I myself have been using his teachings for years when prospecting offline. A simple technique I learned from MJ is almost like a “Jedi mind trick” as he describes it. And I’ll vouch if done correctly, it really works. People will give you his name, phone number, and email without even knowing why.

Someone on my team saw me doing this in action and couldn’t believe my eyes. They told me the epilogue: “I can’t believe that person gave you his name, phone number, and email, just like that… that’s almost scary.”

Using MJ Durkins’ teachings has become a valuable tool in every network marketer’s prospecting toolbox and they are surprisingly simple yet highly effective.

It’s all about your posture, as MJ Durkin would tell you. If you have a great posture when you meet someone, when you call and make an appointment, when you are presenting, when you follow up. Done right, you can basically close a person out before the door has even been opened.

Of course, this doesn’t happen all the time, but if you focus on the main area that MJ Durkin teaches you to focus on, which is prospecting, everything else pretty much takes care of itself.

When MJ was really in the sales game, he wasn’t very good at different aspects of the sales process. But one key area in which he learned to excel was in booking appointments. He learned that if he could date more than everyone else, he could compete. Thus taking advantage of the law of averages and giving him the mindset that he didn’t need any particular prospect because his list was big enough that he didn’t matter.

To summarize this MJ Durkin review, he has been able to help thousands of people succeed through his training materials. If you haven’t purchased at least one copy of his “Double Your Contacts” book, I encourage you to do so. You’ll be surprised how well his techniques really work when you’re prospecting every day.

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