Real Estate Investors – Foolproof Copywriting Tips That Attract An Offer From Motivated Sellers

When marketing to find motivated sellers, an important thing to keep in mind is that how you deliver your marketing messages will determine how successful you are in attracting motivated sellers to your real estate investment business.

In the teleseminar series, I stressed the importance of writing attention-grabbing headlines, tapping into reader excitement, highlighting the benefits of your services, and creating a strong call to action. Whether you’re creating a newspaper ad or writing a letter, there are two aspects of copywriting you should also consider before launching your marketing campaign.


In addition to the writing tips we discussed in the teleseminar series, it’s important to remember that if you don’t have proof in your marketing message, you most likely won’t generate a reader response.

  • What test means:By proof I mean that you are creating a part of your marketing message that ultimately demonstrates your credibility. It doesn’t necessarily make your prospect a buyer, it makes them a believer. Instead of selling your service, you identify with the reader’s problem and then back up their understanding with evidence.

For example, if you tell people in your marketing message that you have successfully provided solutions to many prospects’ problems and then fail to provide some sort of proof, you have created a reason for the prospect to doubt your credibility. A successful marketing message shouldn’t provide any reason for the prospect to doubt you.

  • How to provide proof:You can provide proof of your claims by collecting data about your past achievements, testimonials and references, and proof of your successes. It must be presented in a way that your prospect can believe the facts and visualize through real people who have worked with you.

In other words, your prospect needs to see the big picture, so you need to be the artist who paints that big picture. The art of persuasion should be more about making your prospect believe in your credibility and less about selling them on your services. Integrity   People are naturally skeptical individuals and generally never believe firsthand what they read. We can blame this on the scams that have permeated the market or simply a natural instinct in human beings. That’s why it’s important to convey integrity in your marketing message. If it looks like you’re selling, you can forget about negotiating any real estate deals, and chances are you’ve lost your prospect forever.

  • How to convey integrity:You can convey integrity in your marketing message by presenting yourself as a real person who understands the issues a motivated salesperson can face. This means constructing your message as if you were speaking informally with your prospect. In copywriting, this is known as the “bar stool” approach because you’re speaking to your prospect in a casual tone just as you would if you were sitting at a bar.

Forget using formal language, correct grammar, and fancy words in your marketing message. Simply create a conversation with the reader who identifies with the situation you are facing. This helps the prospect immediately connect and feel comfortable with you and builds your integrity as a real human being. They will also be more likely to trust you and want to know more about how you can solve their dilemma.

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