Quick Beginner’s Guide to Link Building Services

In today’s generation, when SEO has gained a lot of popularity, link building is like an art where you make other websites link to your website to improve your Google ranking. Previously, the number of link building techniques was very limited, but now in the year 2015, there are many link building techniques. Some of these techniques are legitimate, while others are not. Search engines like Google take these links as votes, which favors the website.

How long does link building take to rank a website?

You cannot expect overnight results from link building, it takes a little time to serve you the results. It takes time to build a link, and more importantly, search engines like Google don’t always index or pick new links right away, which postpones SERP ranking improvements. Get link building services from a reputable SEO company, for an early improvement in your rankings.

Mostly, it takes more than a few weeks before you can see any movement in your keyword’s ranking. The rank of a keyword depends on many things, such as the competitiveness of the keyword, the dominance of the industry in the market, the authority, and the age of the website.

Merits one needs to understand about link building:

All Links Are Not Created Equal: Search engines consider various aspects to decide the value of a link. These are some of those aspects:

Domain Authority:

Some things that you should consider when evaluating the value of links are the popularity of the website, the quality of the contents within a website, the age of a website, etc. however, just considering these aspects does not define domain authority, but there are some tools you can use to understand domain authority:

• The number of keywords ranked: How many keywords for that site are in the Google ranking page? If most of them are in a good place, make sure Google likes that website.

• Traffic: number of people visiting the site through targeted links.

• Age of the domain: the age of the domain in the market. There are tools that share “domain registration date”.


One should generate links on a site that has at least little relevance to your business. For example, links from a Hollywood news site are very useful for a site that sells fashionable clothes in the marketplace.

If you want your website to rank well on the Google ranking page, look for an SEO company that offers unique link building services.

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