Nick Jr.’s Top 10 Shows for Kids

I like this channel, it has good programs for my children. Once it was Noggin, now it’s Nick Jr. There are some annoying ones, but overall it’s good TV for kids. However, there is one thing that has to go away. Nick Jr.’s spokesperson and annoying headache, Moose A. Moose. I understand that this is probably very attractive to children, but the mere sound of his voice makes me shiver. The worst is when he sings. His singing voice is horrendous and he sings often. Anyway, let’s get started. Here are 10 shows that are good for your kids on Nick Jr.

1. Yo Gabba Gabba

Yes, it’s weird, and yes, sometimes it doesn’t make a lot of sense. This offbeat show is colorful and it looks like the creators are possibly high. I didn’t think much of it at first, until I saw my little boy imitating the dances and gestures. They offer good lessons on cleanliness and good behavior. There is also nothing better than watching your young son dance on television. Give this strange show a try.

2. The Backyardigans

Nice show with lots of singing animals and an alien, or maybe it’s a bug, or maybe a spotted deer. I’m not sure what it is. generally, the show has some kind of theme, like a western setting or Robin Hood. The characters play different roles as antagonists or protagonists on the stage in which they are. Of course it is always appropriate for children. It generally teaches children to work together.

3. Ni Hao, Kai-Lan

This colorful show teaches manners and how to deal with frustration and anger. I like this one because it has a minor conflict that I think is important to show the kids because they will face it later in life. Children’s programs that show everyone getting along all the time give children unrealistic expectations. This show also includes a bit of Chinese culture. The only thing I don’t like is that my son stomps when he’s angry now, and he can be quite strong. He picked it up from this show.

4. Wonderful pets

I am a bit partial to this one. He also has minor conflicts at times. The program teaches teamwork and how to get along with others. It also shows children how to help. Through teamwork and bringing together their individual strengths, Wonder Pets save the day and help others. Good show and one of the most tolerable to watch with your child. They also include real world references, sometimes like “Rat Pack”, big band singers who are actually rats.

5. Bear

A gentle show featuring a polite young bear as the protagonist. Little Bear often uses his imagination to have adventures with his friends. I like this one because the main character is very polite. This show will not make your child bounce off the walls either, as it is fairly quiet. Both parent bears are present and offer love and attention to Little Bear. A good show overall.

6. Wow! Woof! Wubbzy!

A colorful cartoon with unique characters. Often the premise of the show is about actions and their consequences. The main character, Wubbzy, will often do something that he hasn’t fully thought of. Problems usually follow and his friends must help clean up the mess, and in the end, Wubbzy has learned something. I think the main point behind this program is teamwork and responsibility.

7. Little Bill

Another show with an educated child lead character. This one is also quite calm and smooth. Overall, it’s about making a difference through individual actions from what I can tell. I have also seen that it promotes commitment when appropriate and the use of ingenuity to solve problems. There is also a bit of imagination.

8. The show in reverse

Another weird show with two weird men. I didn’t think much of this one either until I saw my son mimicking his activities and laughing hysterically. It is an interactive show that asks the boys to perform gestures to help the two men, such as using the remote control to alter their surroundings. The pair travel through different rooms that have different properties, such as being face down. They ask the viewer to use a remote control to turn the room up.

9. Blue’s clues

An old but good. This teaches children to use their imaginations and observe their surroundings. The show has a puzzle, and Blue leaves clues to decipher the puzzle. The main character (Steve or Joe depending on the age of the episode) will in a moment sit down and think about what he and the audience have discovered.

10. Team Umizoomi

I don’t know exactly why, but I really like this one. It is only a few months old. This show has the main characters using math to solve problems and using shapes to make things. My son loves this show and is glued to it when it appears. He also likes to imitate dance on this show. I think this program offers a lot and it will only get better with time.

Well that’s it. If you didn’t see a show here, I probably didn’t mention it for some reason.

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