My Wife Is Always Mad At Me: Crucial Things You Need To Know For A Happy Marriage

Are you in a marriage where you always feel like my wife is always mad at me?

Well, you are certainly not alone.

In fact, I was exactly in your situation, but I figured out how to deal with it, and now my marriage is better than ever. This is what helped my marriage.

What to do when you have to constantly tell yourself “Man, my wife is always mad at me”

It’s a difficult position to be in, I know. You feel bad and almost like a failure of a husband because you feel like you can’t do anything right. No matter what you do, your wife seems to be mad at you and she feels horrible.

But things can be changed. There is a solution, and not only can you get your marriage back to where it once was, but you can actually make it better than ever. Of course, some people in this position will simply quit and file for divorce, but that is not the answer to this problem.

First of all, we need to find out why your wife is always angry with you. She may not be very transparent about this in reality. Many times a wife won’t talk about her problems, and she really thinks you will know what the problem is. But you and I know that it is not easy to understand, right?

So you may have to read between the lines a bit. You may have to do some research. It could have been something you said. It could have been something you didn’t say. It could have been something you did, or you didn’t do.

The best way, of course, is to simply ASK… and then shut up and LISTEN!

Listening is the key! But don’t just listen to the words of his wife. Listen beyond words. Listen for clues in her words that explain how she feels. That’s the key to truly figuring out how to solve your “my wife is always mad at me” problem.

Second, you have to do something else that will seem a bit counterproductive. You’re going to have to stop worrying so much about your wife and start worrying about YOU!

This part is going to take EMPATHY on your part. Which means you will have to think about your actions and figure out how they have been affecting your wife. Things that you may have been doing out of habit can have a negative effect and may go unnoticed even by you.

I did this exactly. I realized that I was not spending enough time with my wife. She would come home from work, I would sit in front of the TV, eat dinner in front of the TV, and then when she went to bed, I would stay up and watch TV. So she actually felt abandoned.

I didn’t learn this from my wife, I learned this by doing an evaluation of my own behavior and realizing for myself how that must have made my wife feel.

No wonder I was saying that my wife is always mad at me! She was! And that was not the end of the problems and problems.

I had also stopped doing the things I used to do “just because” when we got married. She used to send him flowers at work from time to time. Or she would take her out to dinner just because. The little things that showed that she appreciated her were no longer done, and in fact, that was negatively affecting my marriage. Maybe I should have never started those things LOL. It’s a joke…

The thing is, YOU will have to figure out what you are doing wrong and then change it. It’s really as simple as that. You can only change one thing about your relationship and it is YOU.

If you say that my wife is always mad at me, then you have the power to fix it if you are willing to do some work on YOU.

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