male thrush

Male yeast infection is also known as male yeast infection. While most people associate yeast infections with women (vaginal), in fact, millions of men also suffer from excess penile yeast at some point in their life. Unlike women, men have a hard time dealing with the pain and embarrassing symptoms associated with penile yeast infection, which is why many suffer from the symptoms for longer than is necessary before they are properly diagnosed by a doctor. This article will describe some signs and symptoms of male thrush, as well as some causes and remedies.

Signs and symptoms of male thrush

The symptoms of a male yeast infection are similar to those of a sexually transmitted disease. These signs include a white, lumpy rash on the shaft of the penis and up to the head. In some cases, the penis itself may emit a discharge that is gray or the consistency of cottage cheese. The discharge, however, does not usually smell. Initially, the rash is itchy (similar to jock itch). If left untreated, more mild symptoms occur, such as pain and a burning sensation in the penis. The rash can also travel beyond the shaft of the penis to the scrotum, along the male genitalia. In severe cases, the rash can develop into blisters, sores, and lesions that may also bleed.

Causes of male yeast infection

The most common cause of a yeast infection of the penis is having sex with a partner who has an active yeast infection. Men who have not been circumcised seem to be at higher risk of getting a yeast infection. Additionally, anyone taking antibiotics is at risk of a yeast outbreak due to the fact that antibiotics can kill the “good bacteria” that are necessary to keep yeast levels in check in the body. Another factor that can contribute to a yeast outbreak is having too much sugar in the body, which puts diabetics at risk as well, as their bodies have trouble converting sugar into energy. Yeast also thrives in dark, moist places, making the male genitalia a popular place for yeast to multiply. Men who have hygiene issues where they don’t keep their genitals dry and clean can also provide a situation where yeast would like to live (and multiply).

Remedies for male candidiasis

If a man is diagnosed with male Candida yeast infection, he will most likely be prescribed a topical antifungal cream or medication. For many, treatment will clear the infection. Unfortunately for some men, yeast infections temporarily go away only to reappear. In these cases, it is important to understand what lifestyle changes can be made to keep yeast levels down, such as eating less sugar or drinking less beer (which contains yeast). There are also some natural remedies that have been shown to be effective for many situations; these include topical treatments with tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar, as well as the use of probiotics.

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