Mad Hatter – Vanity the Tragic Flaw

Yesterday was one of those days where I had the pleasure of putting on all my hats. Currently, I am juggling several very different aspects of my gifts through several very different types of work. For example, yesterday, after quiet prayer and meditation, I spent the morning, which means from 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. they are events. During that same time I also handled a call from a very distressed woman, who had found my number and wanted to discuss her experiences with another healing practitioner. I had to use several of my de-escalation techniques to gently calm her fear and end that call. My next hat change was preparing for my Reconnection client that was scheduled to take place later that day and finally making preparations to attend a teaching circle where my daughter and I were going to promote our next event. After a hot detox bath, I once again sat in quiet prayer preparing for the night. Grabbing another hat, I left my house around 3pm and headed to the races. Even trying to write all this down in an organized way is challenging enough, let alone the act of living it.

When my energy is at this high level of alertness and concentration, the messages from the afterlife tend to come through with great force. Kind of like, I hear them say… Oh, so you want to play, right? If you have been reading any of my articles or blogs, you will know that many of my messages or spiritual encounters come to me through the letters on the vanity plates and/or the numbers on the regular plates. Sometimes the messages come so fast and furious that I find it difficult to collect, interpret and understand the meaning. This was the case during my trip to meet my client yesterday. So I took note of what I was seeing in the hope of finding understanding in a calmer and safer place. In rapid procession, I got the following plates: Hamartia, Bison, Sz T D. Then later I received the number 2411 (actually two vehicles driving side by side had the same sequence of numbers) and then the last trick was Ya Haftz!

So what did it all mean? It has taken me a long time to understand that every word, symbol and/or number is a clue. It is the way my Spirit Guides, Source, God, Angels, Sister, Mom, Dad talk to me. Why have you chosen this way of communicating with me? I don’t think they think so, I think I actually think this way. Here’s another way of thinking “woo woo.” Somewhere in my awareness, I am also beginning to understand that these communications are coming from a higher aspect of me, speaking to me. Something like a future that leaves me breadcrumbs to go back to my source, back to what I understand to be God. This concept is explored in A Course in Miracles and it has started to make a lot of sense to me.

So what did it all mean? I have a friend who has spent her entire life seeing and understanding symbols. It’s part of the job she does. She has cultivated an internal database of understanding from various sources and from the spirit realm. Like, what do specific colors, animal totems, numbers, signs and symbols symbolize? She doesn’t have to run to the god Google for the answers, after years of experience, she just knows. It doesn’t work that way for me. For some signs, numbers, and symbols, I instantly know what the meaning is at the time, but in most cases, I have to resort to modern technology and search. Sometimes the license plates speak to me in other languages ​​so I really have to do my research.

OK OK So what does it all mean?

Hamartia – in literature means “tragic flaw”, is from the Greek word hamartánein, meaning “to miss the mark” or “to miss”. (Ah, we’ve seen that before, doesn’t the word sin mean to miss the mark?)

Hamartia, as far as dramatic literature is concerned, was first used by Aristotle in his Poetics. In tragedy, hamartia is commonly understood as the protagonist’s tragic mistake or flaw that leads to a chain of plot actions culminating in a reversal of his good fortune into

In his introduction to SH Butcher’s translation of Poetics, Francis Fergusson describes hamartia as the inner quality that initiates, as in Dante’s words, a “movement of the spirit” within the protagonist to commit actions that lead the plot to its tragic end, inspiring in the public an accumulation of pity and fear that leads to a purging of those emotions, or catharsis.

Sz TD – Seize the day, but what it meant to me was “Susie today.” Susie is my sister who transitioned a long time ago. She talks to me through the license plates and she is my connection to my extended family. She gives me information about them and for them. She is adamant about putting up warning signs and signposts. So Susie was saying, Seize the day, and I’m here involved in these quick messages, and your guides applaud your work. A kind of “Go Get’em Tiger”. Carpe diem – my mind

2411- I saw this double number after my daughter got in the car with me. I think we saw it x2 because the number has a message for me and another one for her.

Angel number 2411 also encourages you to be open to new opportunities that come your way in the near future. If you are able to free yourself from that ‘stuck’ feeling in your professional or personal life, wonderful new opportunities will appear in front of you. Now is the perfect time to make the most of what you have already learned in all aspects and move towards a more secure, comfortable and happy life.

Your part was: Angel number 2411 suggests that if you are going through a difficult and/or difficult situation right now, be patient and trust that everything will work out for your highest good. Take your next steps with caution and consideration, and expect good results. Rest assured, the angels are busy working behind the scenes and certain factors must come together before the desired results can be achieved. There is nothing stopping you or stopping you from reaching your goal and/or desire, so show patience and feel gratitude for the miracle solutions that appear in your life as your positive beliefs and faith in the Divine create favorable results. Be prepared to solve some problems ahead, but know that it will make you stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before.

Ya Hafiz – Comes from the verb ‘hifz – preserve’ and literally means ‘to preserve, keep and protect’.

Today, during my morning meditation, I reflected on the word “hamartia”. I was looking for what my tragic flaw could be and/or why I received this word. I know that ultimately there is nothing that can be my undoing or separation from the source. I am aware that I may embody an earthly aspect or tendency that could create the illusion that something is my spiritual demise, but it is just that “an illusion.” Then it HIT me, these are messages through VANITY plates. Hahahahaha VANITY is always the hamartia, the tragic flaw, which leads us to miss the mark. Good guide, I love your creative humor. It was so good that it made me jump off the couch, abandon my coffee and blanket, and start researching and writing this article.

So let’s continue, Bison: it is through humble acknowledgment, gratitude, and the knowledge that I am only a vehicle, the conduit of my source, that my perfection and magnificence can be expressed. Through my quiet prayer and worship I will find abundance in every aspect of my life. Gratitude!

Sz TD: I am being asked to take advantage of the day, these opportunities, to recognize and be open to my inner guidance and knowing. Trust that I am being guided and watched at all times. Gratitude!

2411 – Do not hesitate, know that these new opportunities are aligned with your higher vocation, do not let the world or your ego get in the way. Trust that you have everything you need. Gratitude!

Ya Hafiz – Confirmation of spirit, of your gifts, of your knowledge. Last night, as my daughter and I were preparing to leave the facility where the teaching circle was held, we stopped and said goodbye to the facility’s CEO. She had been one of the circle facilitators/teachers and we were discussing how her night had gone and what we had learned. One of the last things I told her was that my daughter and I had seen an entity hovering behind the other teacher. I described him as a dark figure, of great stature with a strange hat resembling a flattened top hat. I went on to say that I see things but I don’t know what they mean. She asked: If you knew what it would be? I thought for a moment and said, he felt like a guardian, or a bodyguard, or an enforcer of some kind. We all laughed and said; Wow, she has her own spiritual bodyguard watching over her. My daughter and I loaded our gear into my car and headed home. Moments later we saw the license plate, which confirmed my knowledge. Gratitude!

—-Here’s another aside. This particular person has a long-standing relationship with the founder of a life-changing seminar that both my daughter and I attended. During the short conversation mentioned above, we briefly talked about her and her late husband. When I attended one of the seminars, a sticker with the phrase “Carpe diem” was stuck to my notebook. Someone else may have been messing with my plates. Just say!

For me the beautiful hidden messages of yesterday were; When I am firmly planted in the loving frequency of my source, my God, I function from the place of my higher knowing. While in this space the vanity of my ego has nothing to do. Through quiet prayer and meditation I strengthen my connection, through humble gratitude for all I strengthen my connection, acting under the guidance of Spirit, I strengthen my connection and finally by being in service and spreading the frequency of Love, I strengthen my connection. .

So now it’s time to take off my writer’s hat and put on a different one. I am standing, bathed in the luminous light of Gratitude, Abundance and the Knowing that all is well. We have all been given the tools to avoid ego hamartia. Follow your inner knowing, your higher self, your guides and your source. You are always protected by the executor of the vibration of Love.

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