How to start your new healthy lifestyle today

Have you ever noticed that you can always find a reason to put off until tomorrow what you can do today? This is especially true when it comes to starting a new healthy lifestyle. Maybe you have a girls trip, an anniversary to celebrate, a birthday party to attend, or it’s Wednesday and you’d rather wait until Monday to be healthy. Whatever excuse you use to rationalize putting off starting your new healthy lifestyle, I’m here to tell you to quit! There is absolutely no reason for it to delay your personal health and wellness. After all, today is the first day of the rest of your life!

Here are three tips to help you start your new healthy lifestyle today!

Tip # 1: Be honest with yourself: Honesty is the best policy. If you fall into the “excuse maker” category, you need to acknowledge it if you have any hope of making a change. Once you can admit that you are making excuses to delay your new healthy lifestyle, you can move on and do what you need to do to get started today.

Tip No. # 2: Make a Plan: I’m a huge fan of making a plan. If you have a plan in place, you are one step ahead of the game in terms of beginning your personal pursuit of health and wellness. Your plan should address both exercise and nutrition. Designing a plan for yourself will create structure, build discipline, and lay the foundation for your new healthy lifestyle.

If you recently decided to embark on your new healthy lifestyle but have a trip planned with the girls, for example, don’t wait until you get back to start. Instead, get started today and call the hotel ahead of time to see if they have a gym. If the answer is yes, you are all set. If the answer is no, ask if there is a nearby gym that they can recommend. Most gyms allow you to pay a visitor fee per day. A park is also a great place to exercise. You can also bring an exercise video or DVD and work out in the comfort of your hotel room. A quick call to your hotel will provide you with all the information you need to do your exercise plan. You will most likely start the day early so you can exercise, but think of all the energy you will have for the rest of the day!

The second part of your plan is related to nutrition. Most people tend to put caution aside and go crazy in terms of food because they are on “vacation.” This can lead to a lot of guilt when returning home and the dreaded task of shedding those extra pounds. Instead, make a plan to make smart food choices while you’re away. You may even want to bring some healthy snacks from home for your mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks. Most restaurants offer a variety of healthy options these days and you can always make modifications to menu items in an effort to eat healthy. Most food establishments are ready to accommodate your requests. Then decide when, where and how you would like to enjoy your cheat meal during your trip. Don’t cheat the meals, don’t cheat the days, but cheat the food! You will feel so much better when you return home because you practiced self-control!

Tip # 3: Execute, Execute, Execute: There is no point in having a plan if you don’t execute it. Make the decision to start your new healthy lifestyle today, make a plan, and then execute! Your body, mind and spirit will thank you!

Health and success,


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