How To Start A Used Car Dealer Lot From Advertising To Where You Can Find Used Cars For Your Lot

When planning to start a used car dealership lot, there are a few steps to be ready when the inspector checks out your proposed place of business. In addition to location, you’ll find information on advertising and places where you can look for cars for your proposed new business.

The first and most important part is having a location to place your vehicles. Check with your local zoning department for more information on land use for a used car dealership lot.

Now that you have your location, it’s time to prepare to apply for a provider license in your local Ohio state. You can complete this step by visiting the Clerk of Courts office or by going online to the Ohio Business Gateway website. This is all you need to pay your sales tax in the future and this seller’s license proves that you are a licensed business in the state of Ohio. If you are a limited liability company, you will need to file your business name on the Federal Government site.

Planning to start a used car dealership lot requires that you have a building that is at least 180 square feet and a lot that contains at least 10 used cars and this is not counting driveway space. The lot must be gravel or a hard roof with no grass or mud. Your office must provide heat. The office will be required to contain 3 chairs and at least 1 filing cabinet. You must obtain your application and complete it.

Before someone in Ohio can obtain a used car dealer license, they must take an Ohio used car dealer course.

Get an application for your used car dealer license and you will have all the requirements. Just follow the steps and do what the app asks for and if you meet all the requirements you shouldn’t have a problem.

Finding cars to sell on your lot is easy. Simply search online for car auctions in your area. You might even be able to find cars while driving down the road or online.

Now you can start advertising your used car lot. A website is a great way to advertise your lot. Create your own website by doing an online search for a website host. Your signs and business cards are other ways to grab attention.

You can also sell cars using online ads in the same way you have posted a car for sale in the past.

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