How to organize an adult princess party

An adult princess party: we’re not talking about all the Disney princess costumes here (although everyone who arrives dressed as princess Cinderella and dressed as princess Snow White will be admitted) of your friends, dressed in Little Adventures princess costumes also for adults .

Think pink? A pink princess party is easy to follow. Pink tiaras and pink martinis should be provided, as well as small cookies with pink icing. Pink princess decor is easy to find, as pink infiltrates most Disney princess costumes and adult princess costumes.

If a pink princess is too lush, there are plenty of other themed options. A Princess Ball makes the men invited to the party feel less uncomfortable about attending. Request formal attire, men can come in suits or tuxedos and women can come in their best version of the Cinderella princess dress. Lay out the red carpet at the entrance and, as an added touch, have someone in a powdered wig announce guests as they arrive. The party can continue as a regular dance, with dancing and refreshments. With a Princess Cinderella party, you can also include a place to try on a “glass slipper.”

A black and white princess party puts a modern twist on a traditional girly theme. She thinks of a Snow White princess dress in black, white and silver. She uses these colors to decorate, accentuating with white lights, candles and dark furniture. The modernist elements of this type of party will make guests feel more comfortable with a princess theme, while allowing all adults dressed as princesses to accessorize their Little Adventures Cinderella princess dress with a tiara.

A Disney princess theme is so childlike that it can not only revive that childlike spark, but it can also be fun. Have your friends pull out any Disney Princess costumes they have. If you need an adult princess costume, check out brands like Little Adventures for their collection of adult princesses. Little Adventures makes a Cinderella princess dress and a Snow White princess dress in adult sizes, as well as other adult princess costumes. Decorate with Disney princess accessories and play Disney movie soundtracks as background music. If it’s a women’s party and everyone is dressed in their Disney princess costumes, feel free to play a classic Disney movie and watch it over popcorn together.

Get creative with your theme and try to pick one that fits what you envision as a princess party. Does any princess in particular speak to you the most? A colour? Or a particular princess movie character? Use what you relate to the most and brainstorm ideas for the party from that theme.

Adult princess parties can include a manicure or pedicure station, or a facial and makeup area. The tea party-sized snacks are a hit, as are the drink specials. Take time to reminisce, talk, and hang out with friends while you’re dressed. If there isn’t a place to dance where the party is taking place, consider renting a limo and going dancing after hosting a fancy dinner. Simple party games become more fun when everyone is dressed up in princess outfits.

With energy, excitement, and an impactful theme, you’ll be ready to throw the perfect princess party.

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