How to find out that your baby is teething?

Babies start the teething process 2-3 months before actual teeth appear, this can lead to a lot of confusion and frustration. Just as you are experiencing it now. Many babies will feel great discomfort. They will cry constantly and generally will be very unhappy. Many parents will have no idea why their newborn is experiencing this great discomfort.

But there are a few ways we can find out: whether our baby’s discomfort is coming from his teeth or not.

1. Do you see your baby biting more than usual?

Teething can turn your baby into a true Dracula when it comes to biting.

They will chew on anything, fingers, plastic spoons, toys, and even your breasts. If that’s the case, there are numerous amounts of teething toys to help with that. Be sure to look for toys that are made of materials that do not contain chemicals. Many of these teething toys are made from substances that you really don’t want to have around your child.

2. Large amounts of slime

When babies are teething, they create tons of saliva to lubricate their bulging, sensitive gums. This is normal. It is one of the body’s mechanisms to help slightly with your pain.

If you find that your baby is drooling more than before, it is most likely a sign of teething when it occurs along with another of the symptoms listed here.

3. Overall, more discomfort and less sleep time

If a baby has grown up to sleep through the night without waking up and suddenly starts waking up over and over again,

Most likely it is because your teeth are coming out. Especially if you see any of the other symptoms we mentioned on this page!

4. Fever and other unhealthy symptoms

Many moms detect a slight fever during teething time. They may also discover a rash around the mouth area and a cough, which are caused by excess drool.

5. Decreased appetite

When babies are teething, they usually eat much less. The reason for this is that the feeding process can, and often does, trigger your sore spots. Try to feed your baby as much as possible. Keep track of your calorie balance.

If your calorie balance is too low, contact your doctor!

These are all symptoms of teething. If you recognize any of these and also all of these symptoms, it means that your baby is teething.

What can you do about it?

Well, stopping their pain completely is not something you can do, unfortunately. However, it can help you in many ways and reduce pain significantly.

There are many ways you can help your baby with teething pain, and here are a few.

Reduce inflammation if it exists, is the first thing I recommend taking care of to relieve your baby’s pain.

You do this by feeding him paleo-type foods: fresh fruits and vegetables, grass-fed meats, plenty of healthy fats (coconut, avocado, butter), and whole eggs. Other types of foods can increase inflammation.

Another great tip is to freeze fruits and vegetables, and this works.

Make sure your baby gets enough rest and has little sugar. These can relieve stress, which is also a factor that causes inflammation.

Keep breastfeeding because there are a lot of antibodies in that milk!

Give your baby vitamin D, either by using some liquid vitamin D or just spending time in the sun.

Teething toys are often quite useful. We generally recommend buying affordable ones. The reason is to have a great variety and, finally, to find the best and most useful type specific to our son.

These are all ways to ease your baby’s pain and help him a little.

But keep in mind that this period is a regular part of the baby’s life and all we can do is help out as much as we can and be patient. The teeth will eventually grow in and our child will calm down from this agonizing pain.

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