How to Cleanse Your Liver Naturally Using a Total Body Detox Program

After going through a total body detox program, you can further cleanse your body and liver by following these diet and supplement tips.

1. Eat sufficient amounts of high-fiber foods along with fresh fruits, vegetables, and brown rice. You can even go for radishes, broccoli, artichokes, beets, cabbages, spirulina, chlorella, and seaweed as these are some of the best foods for detoxification of the body.

2. Perform hydrotherapy by taking a hot shower regularly. As you shower, let the water flow from your spine down. Do this for about 4-5 minutes. After that, do the same with cold water for about half an hour and then rest and rest in bed for half an hour. Do this three times a week.

3. You can also take herbs like dandelion root, burdock, milk thistle and great tea to protect your liver.

4. Taking vitamin C also helps to produce glutathione which can remove toxins from the body.

5. Breathing deeply also improves the flow of oxygen in your body. More oxygen circulating through the lungs means more oxygen circulating through the blood vessels and brain.

6. Drink at least 2 to 6 glasses (8 ounces) of water a day. Water is the best substance to help cleanse the liver naturally and effectively. Green tea is also great for your total body detox diet.

7. Promote positive emotions to reduce your stress.

8. Taking a steam bath in a sauna can help eliminate waste and toxins through perspiration.

9. You can also remove toxins through your pores by dry brushing your skin or using detox foot baths/spas or detox patches. There are also special brushes that you can buy at all-natural stores to remove toxins from your body.

10. Exercise is still the most effective method for a total body detox diet. Yoga and jumping rope are the two best ways to eliminate bodily waste. You only have to much an hour a day to perform these

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