How do we respond to those who ask about our Christian faith?

More people may want to know about how you became a Christian than you think.

How do we give satisfactory answers to those who say that the Christian life is dull and boring, or that it restricts and limits? In other words, how do we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that is relevant and meaningful to those who may be inquiring?

Our answers may depend on the reality of our experience of the risen and living Jesus. How were you born again? Can you share your testimony of Christ in a way that speaks to the questioner?

How did these faithful disciples of the early Church of Jesus Christ act, behave and speak? This is where we have to know our Bible – the Word of God. People want facts and not fragile superficial feelings.

Sometimes they were ashamed of their infidelity, and perhaps embarrassed. Think of the two men on the road to Emmaus – Ananias in Damascus – Peter before going to the house of the Roman centurion, Cornelius.

Here is a reality that we can either wish for or choose to avoid.

In Deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 29, we read: “Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord?” That verse speaks of Israel, but it also has a lot to say to us who are disciples of Jesus Christ, the King of the Jews, the King of kings and Lord of lords.

The Christian life is more difficult than any other, and we may not always want to share that reality with those who are inquiring. Jesus told his men that from the beginning, if anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.

It is more than signing your name, accepting a creed, going into a building once in a while, and praying occasionally or having someone else pray for you.

And very few people have grasped the crucial meaning and importance of the local Church: if you lived in Corinth, you did not pray in Athens!

It’s getting harder in the western world, harder than it was 30 or 40 years ago, I know that’s true. People have lost their jobs, or been passed over for promotion, or been ostracized by neighbors and families, and in various other lands, imprisoned and martyred.

Oh, it is possible to take a large bouquet of flowery language – and a handful of good-sounding phrases – and camouflage the cross.

We must never sentimentalize the Christian faith, nor make the name of Jesus sweet or sick.

In Luke chapter 11 verses 27 and 28 we read of a woman in great need. Do you remember that day when a woman cried out to Jesus – “Blessed is the mother who gave birth to you and nursed you. Jesus replied – Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and do it.”

The true Christian life is not easy, soft, or sentimental.

And when it comes to morality, Jesus is the most challenging, and when it comes to duty, Jesus commands us to go the second mile.

If any young man wants an easy ride through life, he had better close the New Testament, and yet sometimes the difficulty and challenge of the task can be its most magnetic draw.

For adventure and the life that will stretch you, this is where it can be discovered.
Jesus can put ‘validity’ in a person’s life, and Jesus continues to put ‘validity’ in a person’s life, along with forgiveness, mercy, love and power.

This life in Christ is a holy life. There is no need to go to Jerusalem or anywhere else (although there is nothing wrong with that) to live a holy life. Go to God. Be filled with the Holy Ghost, and continue to be filled with the Holy Ghost.
Holy – means set apart for God – separated from sin – inner health – and wholeness in Christ, and from Christ – disciplined and balanced – with an integrated personality.

Today we hear a lot about the ‘balance of life’: Jesus Christ is the perfect one to correct any imbalance.

Only Jesus Christ can deal with the deep inner conflicts and discords that make people want to wreak havoc and destruction. Isn’t this the moral side of being holy?

Jesus is the Great Physician, and only he can bring about this kind of vital health.
He gives you a goal when He calls you and He empowers that life so you can accomplish that goal.

It is a combination of seeking first the kingdom of God and I can do everything in Christ who strengthens me.

That troubled man whose name was Legion certainly knew the truth of this, as he was released, clothed, and in his right mind.

This life in Christ also gives you HOPE, as it deals with what worries you, and that darkness, and that sin, and that questioning what life is all about, and challenges any lies with the truth.

“Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord?”

We have seen how Jesus bequeathed his peace to his disciples.

He gives you peace – but also forgiveness of sins, forgiveness of the past and hope for the future – mercy – grace – healing – strength – My Spirit – love, joy, peace – and the balance – and the ability to be holy in God’s sight.

“Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord?”

“Loving God, help me to be real. Keep me filled with the Holy Spirit. Keep me from acting in any way that might sadden the Holy Spirit. When life is challenging, protect and guide me. As I read the Bible every day, nurture and nourish me.” that my faith may be strong. Holy Father, I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

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