Hotwife Lifestyle: A HUGE potential problem and how to avoid it

Many of the problems with the hotwife lifestyle boil down to the differences in the way men and women think.

Never underestimate the magnitude of the task ahead of you if you want your wife or girlfriend to cheat on you.

The trick is not only to make her have hot sex with other guys, but also to STAY emotionally faithful for you AND they involve you to the extent that you want to be involved. More on that later in another article.

See, women view sex very differently than men. Ask your other half (be subtle) and I guarantee she’ll tell you, in effect, “I can’t sleep with a guy unless I like him.”

And of course you don’t want her to have “feelings” for him, because cheating and being a wife is NOT a natural part of her (the blogs telling you they are lying to you). And the danger here is that she slides down the ridge into the next valley, so to speak. As in, she’ll go back to her monogamous state again…but with HIM.

So the dilemma: how to get her to have sex with him but not fall in love with him.

The way Joss and I handle this is by compartmentalizing things. I love hearing what he’s been up to and I love watching even more… but I’m not trying to compete.

There are things that she likes and I don’t, but other guys do. So she does that with them and other things with me. The mistake guys make is wanting all the same things, and that’s what causes the problems.

I mean, if having sex with you is completely different than having sex with another guy, then there are no conflicting desires and no competition. Nothing to choose from, right?

That’s kind of where we started, anyway.

Something to think about I guess?

So Joss and I switched things up a bit.

Because we’ve been at this for a while, we realized that there was a danger of it becoming stale. I mean, if you live on the beach, chances are you rarely sunbathe and swim, right?


That’s the danger of having regular lovers: it can feel too much like a “relationship.”

So we approach it in two ways: first by going deeper and then by going further.

I’ll explain what I mean by that in a bit, but in short it means “more kinky” and “more partners.”

It’s been a lot of fun, I can tell you.

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