Hades Moon – Part 1 and 2

Part One

judy hall book hades moon It is an important, powerful and validating book for me. I continue to lend my copy to grateful friends who then keep it, and I am without a copy again. She defines a Hades Moon as being in aspect to Pluto, a Scorpio Moon, and possibly (I think), a Moon in the eighth house. Even with a degree 8 out of sign conjunct my Moon with Pluto, this aspect has been huge in my life. This series of blogs is dedicated to all men and women with the courage to allow their feminine aspect to visit, embrace and transmute the dark shadows of Hades into Truth and Love.

For many years, I have been immersed in the metaphysical and spiritual study of the importance of the feminine connection to the dark shadow during this time of transition, which is why I was struck by the importance of Eris and Ceres joining Pluto as planets. dwarves. Eris is new to me, but I have identified with Ceres and used it in my readings for over a decade. The three dwarf planets are intense. Eris is the Greek goddess of strife, war, discord, and suggestive creation through chaos. Pluto is the release or letting go of anything that impedes the process of death and rebirth. And Ceres experiences a quintessential Hades Moon experience when she must leave her child in the hands of her nemesis Pluto for 6 months of the year in the underworld. There is no option for revenge, and her rage turns to deep grievance when the lands she rules “die” in the winter season of Persephone’s absence. There is nothing she can do. Kidnapping is not negotiable.

Kelly Lee Phipps points out in a recent article “Ceres and the Urge to Belong” that wherever Ceres lands on your chart, it is the theme of surrendering to loss and coming back. Eris asks us to be with the chaos. Pluto asks us to immerse ourselves in the fire, enter Hades and not be afraid of the dark nights of the soul. It is about transmutation at the highest level.


The second part

Judy Hall has a chapter in her book called “the karmic moon.” She begins with “No matter what the aspect, Hades Moon shows us some of the most deeply rooted karmic issues that we have carried from incarnation to incarnation over a vast period of time.”

This implies the reality of reincarnation, which I can personally resonate with and use extensively in my client readings. However, the idea of ​​reincarnation can also be a good way to explain something beyond our actual literal understanding in this very limited three-dimensional reality. It doesn’t matter. The framework is valid and also correlates with prenatal and early life experience. Karma can be defined as a neutral universal principle that essentially deals with cause and effect.

Metaphorically, Pluto can be seen as the “evolutionary” intention of the soul, as inherited from past incarnations. Pluto is also closely linked to genetics and we know that the information we inherit in our DNA goes far beyond physical characteristics. We inherit the lineages of our ancestors on the spiritual, geographical, and psychological levels. We continue the work that is not entirely ours. They are very mysterious things!

My father has a Scorpio Moon, with a close Pluto/Sun conjunction in Cancer, and my mother has a Pisces Moon trine with a close Pluto/Venus conjunction in Cancer. No wonder he was born with a Hades moon and at least two of my four siblings were too. My ex-husband and father of my two daughters has no Moon/Pluto connection, and neither do my daughters. My son, however, was born under the canopy of a nearby stellium with Chiron/Pluto/Moon (Sagittarius in the 7th house) and his father has a Moon/Pluto square.

The strong connection to the past may be intended to clear both personal and collective karma. Pluto transmutes and the Moon is not only motherhood and emotions, but our lineage. It is also the past. And with Pluto, evil (or the darker side if you will) is never far away, whether operating from within or without.

A strange example of a past lineage connection is the “story” of my son Damian. His father wasn’t interested in getting involved (we’d broken up before she realized she was pregnant) and that was fine with me. The relatively short-lived relationship was a lustful nightmare. He changed his mind when his mother’s guru and self-proclaimed identifier of incarnated teachers saw Damian as Chogyam Trungpa. The Vidyadhara Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche is a leading teacher of the Kagyu Buddhist lineage who barely escaped the Chinese invasion of Tibet, first fleeing to India at the age of 20, then moving to Scotland, England and finally the United States, landing in Boulder. where I live. He established not only several meditation centers, but also Naropa University here in Boulder. He is well known for his book “Crazy Wisdom” among others. Trungpa died in April 1987.

I didn’t take this seriously because it smelled too much of “specialty” (a very potent trap) that made me run in the opposite direction, while his father took the bait and started running in our direction. That is another blog. The guru whose mission it is to identify these souls traveled from Texas to visit me when I was pregnant. I didn’t like him, but I gratefully took the $800 check he gave me. I also chuckled, because at that moment I had sensed that Damien had Down syndrome and I wondered what would happen with that revelation. He had chosen not to give me any tests. He told me that he could expect a visit from Pema Chödrön, a well-known Buddhist teacher and disciple of Trungpa… I’m still waiting.

During his freshman year I couldn’t go anywhere without someone stopping me to tell me I had a “special” son, and they weren’t just talking about his DS. Mind you, he also has Neptune/South Node/Uranus in the Midheaven of him. Most of these people were wise middle-aged women who worked in the healing arts and looked like modern day witches. One day while I was shopping in one of our 7 (soon to be 8) health food stores, a smart, well-dressed, and arrogant-looking stranger approached me and asked if I’d like a “reading.” Why not? It turned out that it was Rennie Davis of the infamous Chicago Seven (originally eight), which also included Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Bobby Seale and others, accused of conspiracy in the 1960s related to the Vietnam War protests. He now looks like he’s a venture capitalist and a speaker on meditation and self-awareness. He said that he was there to inform me that Damien had a special destiny and that I had been chosen as his mother because of the totally unconditional space I had for him. At least my life is not boring.

The initial intensity with this issue has died down, but Damian is pretty well known in Boulder.

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