Great tips and tricks to find a reliable web hosting company

It will be a painful experience for a potential paying customer to visit your site only to find that it is down again, after several attempts to search for your site.

I had this experience back then when I was still naive about the right hosting company to host my newborn website. My website at the time, felt the heat from the incompetent and poor service my hosting company provided.

Did I hear you say, “what about your support desk?” She was sorry to burst her bubble, her support was like pulling a rabbit out of a hat. It took them ages to answer me about what was going on.

Knowing full well that every time my site is down, I am losing money, I had to take a big leap in rummaging through the search listings, looking for the most trustworthy company for my business. I had to go back to the drawing board, I did some in-depth research on the best hosting company for my business.

And you know what? I found it! My website, which initially had low search engine rankings, slow loading time, poor security, and a lack of update features, got a new twist. I had no problem with the uptime of the accommodation.

Sounds like a crazy dream, right? I’m going to risk your snort of disbelief by revealing the best tips on how to find a reliable hosting company for your business without breaking the bank.

Below is a custom list of ways you can find a great and reliable web hosting company.

Consider the future of your business

Before choosing a web hosting company, you will need to calculate the size of disk space and bandwidth that you will use in the future. Make sure your prospective hosting candidate can handle your future needs.

The last thing you want to do is change your hosting company while your website is making significant progress. You don’t want to run into the stress of switching to a new hosting provider, do you?

Excellent customer service

If you are choosing a hosting company, you should find out if previous users provide good 24/7 support. It doesn’t end there; Also, you need to know if their support is competent in resolving issues related to hosting accounts.

Go through your customer review

After that, you can make a list of companies that fit these needs, in order to choose the best hosting company for your business. You would also be wise to take some time to review customer reviews of these hosting companies.

This action will let you know what people have been saying about the company. The more downtime your web server experiences, the less time your website will be up on the Internet, which would be detrimental to your business.

Decide your Hosting Plan

You need to choose whether you want a dedicated hosting plan or a shared hosting plan. Shared plans are often more affordable than dedicated hosting services because multiple websites share different domains on that server, therefore the costs associated with developing a web server are shared among multiple companies.

Most small business websites will be fine on shared hosting platforms unless you expect to get a large number of visitors to your website every day. When you don’t have a basic idea of ​​how much traffic you’re likely to get, it’s a good idea to initially choose a shared hosting plan, with the possibility of upgrading to a dedicated hosting plan if you do eventually get a lot of traffic. .

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