Giant sets for natural bodybuilders

Next time you’re on, check out the legendary arm workout titled “Milos Sarcev Giant Set Workout”. You will see IFBB professional bodybuilder Milos Sarcev completing an 18 minute arm workout without a break, an incredible example of a giant set. Giant sets are popular with bodybuilders preparing for a show. They involve chaining together large groups of exercises, completed one after another without a break. They can be used for a single body part, such as the chest, or a set of opposite body parts, such as biceps and triceps. There are two extreme opinions about the usefulness of giant sets. Let’s analyze both points of view and try to reach some kind of consensus. Next, let’s take a look at the influence of AAS usage and the differences in giant set effects on team vs. natural bodybuilders.

Giant sets are great!

The goal of bodybuilding is to force a large amount of blood into a muscle group, while tearing the muscle fibers. This blood delivers amino acids (from the protein in the food we eat) that are very helpful in helping to heal torn muscle fibers. They grow back, leading to muscle growth measurable in fractions of an inch. Over time, these fractions add up. Giant sets are great because they force more blood into a muscle region than any other training protocol. Hitting a body part with a succession of 6 to 8 different exercises definitely impacts the growing area by meeting these requirements!

Giant sets are useless!

Are you a bodybuilder or a body “pumper”? You need a lot of heavy sets to make a profit. Fifteen sets of 4-8 reps lifting heavy weights and you look like a bodybuilder. Thirty high rep “pump” sets and you’ll look like a fitness bunny. Strength and endurance are good, but you need heavy bodybuilding sets to grow.

The verdict

As always, a combination of these two arguments usually leads to the most correct position. Giant sets come in handy from time to time. They are great for breaking through pain points and can help provide more definition in the final weeks before a bodybuilding show. Strength levels are low at this point, so you need to find other ways to exercise your muscles to the fullest. On the other hand, using these giant “pump” sets throughout the year would never really lead to great new muscle growth. You need heavy sets and plenty of rest to accomplish this feat. You should wear giant outfits sparingly.

Using AAS

As with everything related to bodybuilding, when the coach uses anabolic or androgenic steroids, the rules change. AAS users can train harder and harder, and also recover faster. You will build large muscles while mowing, if you use AAS. While some bodybuilders can gain muscle while wearing giant sets, many naturals will not. If you are natural, you should use them for up to two weeks at a time, even 8-10 weeks, to avoid central nervous system exhaustion. If you are a steroid user, the sky is most likely the limit!

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