Get up early and start your day right!

For many people, sunrise is not a friend. I love watching the sun rise! It is my favorite moment of the day. But there are those who, instead of jumping out of bed, ready to greet the day, prefer to cover their heads with the blankets and sleep for a few more minutes.

Then you reluctantly give in and climb out of your comfortable bed in search of coffee before feeling like a human being again.

You may be happy with this morning routine, but if not, you don’t have to accept it as the start of your day. When you wake up fresh in the morning, you’re ready to tackle all of your goals, and in some cases, with a smile on your face.

Despite what you may think, you don’t have to remain among those who classify themselves as “not early risers.” If you want to change, you can do so simply by changing your habits.

The first step is always to admit that the habit you have is not working in your best interest and that you want to change. Understand that the first thing you try may not necessarily be the right method for you, so don’t be discouraged. Just go the other way and keep going until you find what works best.

You’ve probably heard this before, especially if you’re a parent: Routine is very important! It may not always be possible to follow the exact same routine from one night to the next, but try to stay as close to your original plan as possible. Eat healthy throughout the day. Avoid foods that are full of sugars and fats around bedtime. Eat dinner at the same time every day, several hours before bed. Do not take any stimulants, such as caffeine, before going to bed.

One thing to try is eat a healthy dinner every night. When you do, make journal notes describing how you felt when you woke up, how easy it was to get out of bed, your mood after starting to get ready for the day. After a few days, you will be able to see if this works for you.

Get some exercise in the first part of your day. When you keep your body in shape, you will sleep better. It is more beneficial to exercise in the morning than in the evening. If you exercise closer to bedtime, your blood will pump, making it difficult to fall asleep. That extra boost of energy you get will be most helpful earlier in the day, so it makes more sense to do an early workout.

Do something that makes you happy and relaxed before going to bed. Read a chapter or two of your book, practice yoga or meditation. Don’t do something that can cause you stress, like balancing your checkbook or paying bills. Stress about money is one of the main causes of sleepless nights.

Also, turn off the television and computer before you start getting ready for bed. The light from your screens can lower your melatonin levels, making it even more difficult to fall asleep.

Before going to bed, plan to do something you enjoy first thing in the morning. Maybe do some sun salutations or just enjoy your coffee on the patio to soak up the sun. Don’t worry about your to-do list until you’re awake and ready to start your day.

Are you a morning glory or a night owl? What do you do to get out of bed in the morning? Let us know!

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