Encourage everyone and it will come back to you!

Why are grandparents so nice?

Why do their grandchildren love them so much?

It’s not because of the toys they bring.

I think it’s because they’re so completely and utterly positive with the little ones, providing a sense of support that parents don’t, or maybe can’t.

They are 100% encouraging. “You can do it!” is one of its main messages, and let me tell you that this is a statement that never goes out of style, inside or outside the family.

If you want to be popular as a manager, businessman, or professional, find a way to sound positive all the time. Even if you have to break bad news, soften the blow by following the negative with the positive.

“Geez Mike, your sales are down this quarter, but I’m sure we’ll be up, I know you can do it!”

You’ve heard the expression that if you think you can do it, you’re right; and if you don’t think you can do it; you’re right too!

Where do we get the idea that we can or cannot start?

To a large extent, we internalize what others expect of us. If they are discouraged, we will feel discouraged.

When they cheer, they cheer us on; and we are much more likely to succeed at anything.

One more point: when you encourage others, it comes back to you, in fact, instantly.

You will feel lighter, emotionally, uplifted, because you did something positive.

I guess that ties in with another idea you’ve heard: It’s impossible to help others without helping ourselves, at the point of sale!

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