Elevating your legs after sex when trying to conceive: does this help a girl or boy baby?

It is common advice to tell a woman who is trying to conceive or get pregnant to hold her legs to her chest or raise her legs and hips after intercourse for about twenty minutes. The reason for this advice is that raising the legs is supposed to increase the angle that will force sperm into the cervix/reproductive tract and allow less hardworking and viable sperm to escape.

Someone asked me the other day if this practice would increase the chances of conceiving a girl or boy baby. Specifically, he wanted to know “if I want to get pregnant with a girl, would elevating my legs after intercourse improve or hurt my chances?” I tell you what I told him in the following article.

Does elevating your legs after sex really help you get pregnant?:The jury is still out on this one. I guess if your partner has a low sperm count or his sperm is compromised in some way, then it doesn’t hurt to use every advantage or try everything you can. The amount of semen in a man’s ejaculate varies due to many different factors, including the length of time since he last ejaculated and the age of his partner.

Larger amounts are seen after longer periods of abstinence. However, in general, most men will emit between 1.5 and 5 milliliters. Normally, the ejaculate contains between 60 and 80 million sperm chromosomes per milliliter. So if your partner (assuming he’s healthy) was average and emitted 2 milliliters, you’d have about 120 to 160 million sperm fighting to get to your egg. Obviously, this is an astronomical number, so unless you’ve had bad aim, raising your legs may be too much, but like I said, it’s an easy, free, and non-invasive practice, so it certainly can’t hurt to give it a try. .

So does raising your legs or hips increase the chances of having a girl or boy baby?: Again, there isn’t much documentation on this, but here’s what I think based on what I know to be true on this topic. Conventional wisdom and research tell us to use shallow penetration if we want to conceive a daughter and deep penetration if we want a son.

The reason for this is that the Y sperm chromosomes (which produce boys) are less viable and have a shorter lifespan. By using deeper penetration, you are giving them an easier path and a shorter trip. I would think that raising the legs would fall into this same category. And you would also think that the very strong female sperm could survive and make its way to your egg without needing to lift its legs.

The bottom line for me would be that if you want to conceive a girl, you really don’t need to unless you have some fertility issues. But, this practice wouldn’t hurt if you wanted a boy.

However, I strongly believe that this practice alone would not be enough to get you the genre you want. You would also need to time your conception to the letter (depending on when you ovulate and what gender you want) and you would need to make your body/vaginal canal more alkaline for a male conception and more acidic for a female.

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